Chapter 16 - Result

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The exam already ended and many people start to leave the school ground.

"So, how did the exam go?"

Naoto asked his three friends right outside the school gate. Kanae and Kyojurou answer confidently.

"No problem~."

"It was pretty easy!"

He nodded and shifted his gaze toward Tengen who hangs his head down dispiritedly.


"And you?"

Hearing Naoto's question, Tengen averts his gaze and force a defeated smile.

"Me? Ah, yeah... I probably should find another school with easier-, I mean school that suits my flamboyance presence more... it's not like I fail or anything..."


A vein appeared on Naoto's face.

"Oi, I already waste my time for eight months to teach you, and this is how you repay me? By failure? Give me back the katsu bread I buy for you."

Kanae quickly cheer Tengen up.

"A-ah! Y-you have done your best! That's what matters!"

Naoto quietly muttered.

"...It didn't matter if he fails even if he did his best..."

Kyojurou also tries to cheer him up.

"Don't worry! We won't know until the result is announced next week!"

Naoto muttered again.

"...It won't change the fact that he can't do the test..."

"Mou, Nao! Stop saying something like that!"

"Nao! That's not nice!"

Being reprimanded by Kanae and Kyojurou, Naoto only sighed. Even though he said all of that, he still feels a bit bad seeing Tengen feel down.



Tengen looks up at Naoto with a confused face. Naoto averts his gaze away and says.

"Let's go to the arcade center."

"Eh? Did you feel sick or something? You always refuse to go there when me and Kyojurou invite you."

"I suddenly want to play arcade today. I have never been to one before so show me where and what to do." 

Tengen smiles from ear to ear.

"Sure! Follow me! I will show you how to flamboyantly enjoy yourself! Bwahahaha!"

He coils his arms around Naoto and Kyojurou neck before dragging them away toward the arcade center. Kanae keep smiling and follow them from behind, she realize Naoto is trying to cheer Tengen up and it works.

The four of them went to the small arcade center in the shopping district. Naoto feel awed by all kind of machine in the arcade center, it's very noisy and there is many kind of people. Tengen start teaching Naoto how to play each machine they found interesting. That day, they have a lot of fun, even Tengen totally forgot about the exam.


One week later.

Four of them stand in front of a big announcement board. Kanae, Naoto, and Kyojurou still look as calm as ever, while Tengen keeps tapping his foot on the floor. He feels very nervous because today is the day of truth whether he will pass or not.

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