Chapter 5 - School part 1

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After a month of meeting Kanae, today is the day Naoto will enroll in the primary school. Like Naoto, Kanae also went to the same school as him.

This morning, the Karasuma family and the Kochou family went to the school together on foot. There are also lots of parents who accompany their children. After attending the opening ceremony, they took a picture together in front of the school gate.

Their family is different from each other, all Karasuma family wear traditional clothes while the Kochou family wear more modern clothes. But they get along with each other very well.

"I hope we are in the same class, Nao."

"Mm, me too."

They smiled at each other happily.

First day at school.

"Yayyy! We are in the same class, hehehe~. I'm very happy."

Seeing Kanae look very happy, Naoto nodded with a small smile. He also feels happy at heart.


They chatted as they head to their classroom.

"By the way, you didn't cut your hair? I thought you said you will cut it once the school started."

Naoto smiled a little.

"I change my mind."

Since Kanae said she like his long hair, he decides to let it as it is. But he will occasionally cut so it didn't grow too long.

Kanae claps her hands happily when she saw the feather ornament on Naoto hair.

"Ah~, you also wear the hair tie I give."

With a small smile, Naoto touches his hair tie.

"Yeah, it's a gift from you after all."

"Is that so, hehehe~. I'm very happy to hear it."

When Kanae walks in, everyone greets her energetically. Most of them are kids from the neighborhoods who play with Kanae a lot, so they already know each other pretty well. Kanae is very famous around the neighborhoods, she's cheerful, kind, and get along with everyone easily.

However, the moment a beautiful boy with hakama and ponytail entered the room, it becomes very quiet. Naoto also pretty famous just like Kanae, he's weird, always say something incomprehensible, fight a lot, and make many girls cry from saying something mean. The most famous thing he ever did is to make all children cry on Christmas night.

The difference in reputation between her and Kanae is like the sun and moon. One is warm and bright, the other is cold and gloomy.

Naoto already knew this is the kind of treatment he will get. He also remembers some of these kids because he fights with them and made them cry.

He ignores all of them and look around to find an empty seat. The seating in this class is two people in one table. Naoto takes the table right at the corner near the door so he doesn't need to walk past all of the unhappy faces of his classmates.

Naoto also doesn't need to worry about being a center of attention. Not only that, he can immediately run out from the room once the class is over since the door is just right beside him. He pities himself a little for thinking about all of this thoroughly.

"Man, being hated sure is hard... Sigh, whatever, they got nothing to do with me anyway. I come here to study, not to make friends with them. As long as I have a good grade my parents will be happy, that's the only thing I need to thought about."

He put his bag down and take a seat before he read his book. The class starts to become noisy again as everyone chats with each other.

"Kanae-chan, sit with me."

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