Chapter 59 - Dispute & Princess

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After that, the princess is in a very bad mood, she didn't even talk or finding trouble with Naoto like before because it was Nene who become the guide.

Right now almost all of them regret to accompany the princess, she's too spoiled that it made their head hurts. Ryuunosuke condescending attitude also worsens everything.

Whatever the reason is, the payment Yoriichi give to him is not worth the trouble he got right now.

As the group move from one place to another, Koyuki pull the sleeves of Naoto kimono.

"A-ano, Karasuma-san."


Naoto turn his head around at Koyuki. She look down with worried expression. Both of them stop on their spot, letting their friends keep walking in front.

"I'm sorry for what happen, because of me, there is a chance that you..."

Koyuki feel guilty because she know Naoto is angered for what happen to her. Naoto only smiled softly and shook his head.

"You are wrong, it's not because of you. I'm the one who should apologize, this is my responsibilities and yet I drag all of you into this. That's why, sorry."

"N-no, it's not your fault Karasuma-san!"

"It is, you don't need to make me feel better. If you do that it will only made me even guiltier."

"Ahhh! S-sorry!"

"Even if you are not here, I think it's only a matter of time before I punch her in the face. To make it worse she only picks on you, seriously what is that dumbass Hakuji doing... This is what happens if you are being sexist. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind later."


"Sigh, I'm not good at guiding people at all. Okay, enough worrying about something stupid. Let's go."


Both of them hurriedly join back into the group.

It didn't take long before Naoto got a call from his mother that she already arrive with their lunch.

"Everyone, my parents has brought food for all of us."

"For real? Thank you!"

"I'm hungry."

"It's about the time."

Naoto look at Nene and Raidou.

"Nene, Raidou, do you know any good place to have a meal in here? My mother said she want a comfortable place where everyone can have a lunch."

Nene pinch her chin and think for a second.

"None that I can think of. What about you Raidou? Since you come here lots of time to participate in Yabusame, there must be a good place you know right?"

Raidou rack his brain to find a good place to eat.

"Hm... I think there is a river down the shrine, it's a pretty big area surrounded by grass and bamboo trees. I never stop there before but I think it's a good place."

"How long does it take to reach?"

"Only five minutes."

"Five minutes huh, river and bamboo forest... that sounds great. Please relay this info to our pampered hime-sama and baggage over there, Nene. They can join if they want or they can scram off somewhere else since we are going to eat 'commoners' meal! I'm afraid it won't suit their golden tongue!"

He deliberately say it in a quite loud voice so Kohaku and Ryuunosuke can hear it. Of course the hime-sama and baggage Naoto was talking about feel very pissed about it.

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