Chapter 21 - Friends

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Everyone, I'm very sorry for not publish anything in the past six days... Wait... Is it seven?

I want to apologize because my schedule is very tight these days. And unlike the main story, making story from scratch actually harder than I thought it would be, and it slowed my speed greatly.

Please enjoy this chapter that I've been accumulated for six days because I got no time to edit it before.


In the teacher office, one teacher is speaking to a cute looking female student. She wear snow hairclip on the side. Her black hair is tied back into a bun.

"Soryuin-kun, can you bring this paper and distribute it to everyone? It's for today group project, I will go there in a bit."

"Yes, sensei."

The girl took the thick bundle of paper test from the teacher before she goes back to her class.

Her name is Soryuin Koyuki, she has a very cute and kind personality, making people around want to protect her. Koyuki is the class president of 1-B, she is dependable, hard-working and always try to help all of her classmates.

As all of you know, Koyuki family name is never revealed in the manga, so I choose the name from her father, Keizo, dojo 'Soryuu' school into -> 'Soryuin'.

However, Koyuki has a pretty frail body. The paper test the teacher ask her to bring is quite heavy and tall. She's having a hard time to see and keeping her balance, even her arm starts to give up.

Suddenly, someone take more than half of the paper from Koyuki. It makes her feel a bit surprised, who just help her? Koyuki turn her vision to the side and look up. Boy with short ponytail and feather hair tie is looking back at her.

Koyuki smiled and thank the boy who just help her.

"Thank you, Karasuma-san."

With a flat face and monotone voice, Naoto replies.

"No need to thank me."

"But why are you still outside? The school already started, could it be you are late?"

"Yes, there is some trouble on the way here, coming late once or twice shouldn't pose any problem for me."

On the way to the school, he got attacked by some delinquent from another school thanks to Tengen keep dragging him into a brawl. Now, if there is some Yankee who see Naoto, they will start attacking him to get revenge on Tengen and himself.

That's why today he told Kanae to go first and he becomes late because he needs to escape. It will be bad if the school know that their student is fighting with another student from another school.

Naoto glanced at Koyuki and asked.

"So where should we bring this?"

"Ah, to the classroom, the teacher ask me to distribute it for everyone."

"Okay, so where is your classroom?"


Koyuki become speechless.

"K-Karasuma-san... It's for our class..."

Naoto raises his eyebrows.

"Hm? We are in the same class?"

"T-that's horrible Karasuma-san, I'm your class prez you know, Soryuin Koyuki. And I already talked to you a lot of times before."

"Ah... You are that annoying girl who keeps bothering me every day? No wonder your voice sounds familiar."

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