Chapter 29 - Together

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Every day, Naoto goes to school together with Kanae, in class, he always hang around Giyuu. When lunchtime comes, together with Giyuu, they went to the rooftop to eat with Sabito, Tengen, and Kyojurou.

After school is over, it's time for club activity in the flower arrangement club room. However, most of the time he will use it to sleep or to read a book. Koyuki will come sometimes to hang out there, or the other way around, Kanae and Naoto will come to the gardening club.

A few times every week, Naoto will go to the archery club to train so his shooting ability didn't get rusty. He also got closer to the member of the archery club, sometimes they go out together with Misaki and the others to grab some food on the way home. At home, he will spend most of his time playing with Shinobu and Iroha.

Roku, Miki, and Sakazuki will visit for a few times in a weeks or months when they have free time.

Year passed, now everyone already become a second-year student. Tomorrow, the new year of study will start again.

In the garden, Naoto is busy hanging a laundry. Beside him, Iroha also help Naoto by giving the wet cloth to him. 

"Here, onii-sama."

"Thank you, Iroha."

Naoto take the cloth and hang it on the drying pole. They keep working until the phone on Naoto's pocket starts to vibrate. He takes it out and saw the name of the caller 'Kagaya'.

"It's aniue (dearest brother)."

"Aniue!? Can I talk to him??"

"Iroha... I haven't even talked to him yet, please wait a bit."

He presses the answer button and put the phone close to his ear.


A gentle and soothing voice comes from the other side of the phone.

"[Hello Naoto, how have you been?]"

This is his other cousin, Ubuyashiki Kagaya, twenty-one years old. He is a very gentle and kind person, when they have a new year family meeting in Kyoto, Kagaya like to dote on him and Iroha.

"Fine like always."

"[What about Iroha?]"

"She's also fine, she also want to talk to you."

"[Fufufu, I'm very happy to hear it. How is school? Have you gotten used to it? It's been a year after all.]"

"Yeah, everything is ok."

"[That's good, I'm a bit worried since you are pretty thick-headed around stranger. If you can't find any friend, I need to-]"

A vein appeared on Naoto's face.

"Don't say the same thing as my parents."

"[Fufufu, sorry~. So, when will you go back to school?]"

"Tomorrow is the new year of study."

"[Oh, so it's tomorrow.]"

"Mm, I just hope I can be in the same class with my friends."

"[Your friend name, what is it?]"

"Why did you ask about their name? It's not like you will meet them, you'll probably forget about their name soon."

"[Just tell me, there is nothing wrong about it right? I want to know about the people who become friends with my Naoto~. Ah, and please tell me what kind of person are they and how you meet them.]"

"Sigh, busybody like always... There is..."

Naoto sits on the veranda while talking with Kagaya about all the friends he made while Iroha is the one who keep hanging the laundry alone.

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