Chapter 53 - Third Year

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Merry Christmas everyone!

A/N: Please ignore the white dot on the art, I think there is something wrong with my software and tablet

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A/N: Please ignore the white dot on the art, I think there is something wrong with my software and tablet. Every time I start coloring the dot will appear.


Winter passed, and spring comes, sign that new life sprout from the welcoming warm sun and breeze. Snow has turned into a puddle of water, sakura flower slowly bloom throughout the town.

Every spring, it's also the start of a new term of study.

However, it's not too peaceful in the Kimetsu academy right now.

A lot of voices resounded from inside the teacher's office. Right now, a teacher and one student is arguing with each other.

"Why I'm in class A!? B!! Change it to B!!"

"That's enough Karasuma! The change has been finalized! You can't move just because you say you wanted to!"

The other teacher around ignore them and do whatever work they have. This is the second time Naoto made a scene just because he's not in the same class as his friends.

The teacher Naoto is arguing right now is called Komura-sensei, he's a PE teacher. Unlike the other teacher, PE subject is actually not that busy so he's tasked with more job by the school director like arranging a school roster, public moral committee advisor, etc.

Even though the junior grand and senior grade study in different building, the teacher room, infirmary, cafeteria, and other public facilities are in one place, and that is inside a building that connecting the senior and junior area.

"This is why you are still single despite your age sensei!"

"You little rascal! What did you say!?"

"If you let me change class I will pray for the day you will get a girlfriend come quicker, my family own a shrine so they can make an arrangement so your wish can come true."

"Do you think you can bribe god!? Enough is enough! Stop bringing my personal life every single time! Now, get out and go to the auditorium! The opening ceremony will start soon!"

Komura grab Naoto's collar and throw him out from the teacher room before he lock it.

Feeling pissed, Naoto keep banging the door in frustration.

"Open it! Open it or I will curse you so you live alone until the day your hair turn white! Do you hear me!? My grandfather can inflict a super terrifying curse!"


No reply.

"Damn you Komura! Wizard! Forty-years old virgin!"

Now Naoto can hear Komura embarrassed voice resounded from the door.

"K-Karasuma! You!!"


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