Chapter 58 - Festival & Princess

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In the inner shrine ground, a lot of stalls can be seen on two sides. Kohaku and Ryuunosuke look around curiously.

Kohaku look at the apple candies on the stall with a frown.

"What is this? It looks like some sort of cheap candy."

Koyuki smiled and say.

"It's called apple candy hime-sama, it's pretty good."

"Really? Then, you, buy it for me."

Kohaku said as she point her finger at Koyuki with a condescending attitude. It made Koyuki flustered.


Ryuunosuke immediately objected.

"You can't hime-sama, if you eat a food from dirty commoner like this you will upset your stomach. This candy look like it got a lot of chemical colorants."

The food seller look unhappy to hear what Ryuunosuke said. Koyuki immediately bowed apologetically to the seller.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"At least choose something more normal looking, like that long and black thing."

Ryuunosuke point his finger at the chocolate banana stall.

"T-that's called choco banana."

Naoto scold both of them angrily, at this point he can't hold it in anymore. They keep judging everything they see. To make matter worse, Kohaku only call Koyuki name when she want something.

"Oi, princess, buy it yourself! You are the princess so you must have a shit ton of money! And you big oaf, if eating this kind of food enough to make someone stomach upset then this shop already closed the day it open! Do you think why the food inspector exist in the first place!? Use your goddamn common sense dammit!"

"How dare you talk to us like that!?"

"Know your place!"

As Naoto and the princess & Ryuunosuke duo are arguing with each other, Sanemi who stands on the very back of the group sighed heavily.

"Sigh, why do we need to babysit these two spoiled and sheltered kid?"

Obanai glanced at Sanemi and say.

"You don't need to come if you don't want to, it was Karasuma who got the responsibilities."

"Then why did you follow him?"

"I can't leave him alone, as a student at our school, if he did something that can soil our school image... I don't want to imagine it... As the former student council president, it's also my job to prevent this kind of situation from arising."

Tengen grinned and speak playfully.

"Ohhh that's admirable. If you are wondering why Shinazugawa is here, that's because he's lonely if he is the only one who got separated from us."

Giyuu look at Sanemi with his usual poker face.

"So that's the problem Shinazugawa? How about both of us go somewhere else? To a place where we can enjoy ourselves and no one can interrupt us."

Sanemi say to them angrily with a slightly blushed face.

"Are you guys stupid!? And Tomioka, the way you say it will make someone misunderstand!"

Suma who already overheard their conversation, got a nosebleed. She's imagining Giyuu and Sanemi inside her mind.

"Thank you for the meal!"

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