Chapter 12 -Terrifying Experience part 1

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Some times already passed after Naoto's meeting with Tengen and Kyojurou, right now Naoto is in fifth grade. It's a shame that he never gets into the same class as Tengen and Kyojurou, but they always visit Naoto every day in his classroom.

"Wait, I want to check if there is any new film or not."

Kanae said with a face full of smile as they pass a CD shop in the shopping district.


Naoto nodded, he also want to check if there is any new documentary film about nature. Both of them entered the store and start to look around. In the education section, Naoto pick some interesting documentary about mammal, he also get some children cartoon for Iroha.

As Naoto choose a few more cartoon for children, Kanae come to him with a face full of smile.

"Nao, Nao! Look~, look~."


Naoto glanced up at Kanae, she's holding a CD with the title "Mountain and Sea of Corpses", "R-18+", "Don't let your child watch this", "Can cause heart attack, and other medical problem". When he read all of it, Naoto's face turn blue in fear. The cover didn't have any image or art, only a few sentences labeled on it.

"Y-you... don't tell me you want to rent that CD?"

"Yes~, so let's watch it together~."

Naoto hurriedly shook his head in refusal, he strongly object it.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible!"


"Don't give me that look, first and foremost that film is for someone above eighteen. Not to mention we can't rent it unless we show them our ID card. Are you trying to break two laws at once?"

Kanae pouted and bring the CD to the cashier, it didn't take long before she's back with a paper bag of CD. She shows a smug smile while Naoto jaw dropped.

"I bought it~."

"You've gotta be kidding me... What is wrong with this store? I'm going to call the police to search this place."

"Mou, stop complaining. Hurry up and pay for your CD, I want to get back quickly to watch it~."


Naoto went to the cashier to pay for the CD he just choose. The cashier is a college student with a lazy face, as he scans every CD, the cashier can feel someone is staring at him. He look down and feels a bit startled. The boy with hakama is staring dagger at him, for some reason he can feel resentment coming from the boy.

"I-it'll be seven hundred and fifty yen..."


Naoto put the exact amount of money on the tray. The cashier gives the CD that has been put inside a paper bag to Naoto. Naoto takes the paper bag and say in a quiet voice only the cashier can hear.

"Thank you... Next time I will report you to the manager if you allow a kid to rent an eighteen rated film. I'm going to let it slide this time, so pray that you won't lose your job next time."

The cashier's face turns pale, this little boy can say something threatening with a cold voice. Is he really a kid? He starts to sweat nervously, he doesn't want to lose his job because he's in a need of money this month.

Naoto exited the store with Kanae by his side, he's angered by the cashier. Because of him now he needs to get tormented for two hours straight, he can't refuse Kanae after all. And Naoto is completely serious when he said that he will report it to the manager because he got proof over here.

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