Chapter 17 - Opening Ceremony

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"I'm Urokodaki Sabito, nice to meet you."

Naoto and Kanae also introduce themselves.

"Nice to meet you too~, my name is Kochou Kanae~."

"Karasuma Naoto, pleased to meet you."

As three of them introduce themselves to each other, the teacher explains.

"Urokodaki-kun, these two also an honor student. So please get along with them."

The boy called Sabito nodded.

"Yes, I hope we can get along."



The teacher gives Sabito his own speech draft, and explain everything to him.

"Then, the three of you, please go to the stage and sit on the chair we already prepare for the three of you."


The three of them exited the teacher room and walk toward the auditorium together.

Kanae starts making a conversation with Sabito.

"Um, Urokodaki-kun right?"

Sabito smiled and say lightly.

"Yes, what is it, Kochou-san?"

"From what primary school are you from?"

"I'm not from Kimetsu town so you probably won't hear it."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, I'm from orphanage outside Kimetsu town, and my guardian adopt me not too long ago. So I ended up here."

Hearing Sabito explanation, Kanae covers her mouth with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ask anything insensitive do I?"

"No, no, no. Please don't worry about it. Hahaha, just act normal around me and don't hold back, I prefer it that way."

Kanae smile softly and nodded.

"Okay, I understand. So you haven't lived here for a long time?"

"Yes, I just live here for a month. What about both of you and um... Karasuma?"

"I come to this town when I was six years old, Nao born in this town. Both of us are neighbor and has been living next to each other up until now."

"Oh~, that's nice. Both of you has been friends that long time ago."


Naoto keeps staring at Sabito who has a conversation with Kanae. Hearing Sabito talk, Naoto feel a bit weird. His voice is gentle yet energetic at the same time, the vibe this boy gives has the same vibe as Kanae give to him. There is a soothing and fuzzy feeling inside his heart.

Feeling being stared intently, Sabito smiled at Naoto.

"What's wrong Karasuma?"

Naoto smiled.

"No, I just wonder where did you get that scar on your left mouth, Urokodaki."

Sabito raises his finger and touch the scar on his face.

"Ah, this? I fall down from the stairs and grazed my cheeks. Unfortunately, it peels some of my skin off, so it leaves a pretty big scar."

"Is that so?"

"It didn't bother you right?"

"Nope, not at all. I just think what a shame. I thought you will look more handsome without that scar, but now that I see it closer you certainly feel manlier with it."

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