Chapter 35 - Phone Call

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Tengen puts his hands on his waist and say to his friend who sits around him.

"Four of you! I will give you the privilege to be in my group! Be grateful to this flamboyant me that you sidekicks can accompany the divine me all day long! Buahahaha!"

Kyojurou agreed with his usual smile, he already got used to Tengen superior-complex.

"Sure! Sure! Hahaha!"

Sabito also smiled and nod.

"Mm, that's a good idea, right Giyuu?"

Without any expression and monotone voice, Giyuu says.

"Either way is fine for me..."

"Then I will write it down!"

Tengen take a single paper and start writing everyone's name.

"Group leader is the great me, Uzui Tengen, after that Rengoku Kyojurou, Urokodaki Sabito, Tomioka Giyuu, and Karasuma Naoto."

After done writing, he looks at Naoto who is propping his chin without any spirit. It made him confused a little bit.

"Oi, Nao, what's wrong?"

Naoto sighed and glanced at Tengen using the corner of his eyes.

"Sigh... it's nothing..."

"We are going to Kyoto you know! Kyoto! Be more enthusiastic about it!"


Everyone focus their gaze at Naoto in confusion. Kyojurou who knows the reason, speak.

"Oh, that's right, you always go to Kyoto right?"

"Mm... every few months and every new year for family gathering..."

Sabito asked.

"What is the problem then?"

"Tell me, would you feel happy to go to the shopping district for a field trip?"

Sabito sweatdropped.

"Shopping market... you... don't put Kyoto on the same level as shopping district..."

"But I already go there many times, there is nothing exciting about it."

"Why did you always go to Kyoto?"

"Because all of my family live there... it's also my birthplace..."

"Eh? But back then when we first met, Kochou-san said you born here."

"That's only her assumption, actually I never say that I was born here. I was born in Kyoto, and a year after that, my parents decided to move here. I already told Kanae about this after the opening ceremony ended. So yeah... there is no difference between Kyoto and shopping district for me. Tch, who the hell choose Kyoto as a field trip destination? I will complain to that shitty student council president after this."

"Oh, I see. But we can't do anything about it, it's not the student council who decide where we go, but the principal and teacher."

"You've gotta be kidding me..."

Giyuu glanced at Naoto and say.

"Stop complaining, Kyoto is the usual destination for middle school field trip. Almost all schools will choose that place as their destination."

Naoto rest his chin on the table weakly.

"But Kyoto... sigh..."

Tengen say in a loud voice.

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