Chapter 27 - Gardening Club

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One week passed.

After school, Naoto always went to the club room with Kanae. Because they are still a new club, the fund they get is not too much, but luckily they already have some equipment they brought from home like all kinds of flower vase and other florist tools like scissors and knife sets.

At the stairs that lead to the rooftop.

"So? How is your club going?"

Tengen asked while munching his yakisoba bread.

Naoto swallowed his food before answering.

"Fine, I can say."

"Still, to think you will join not one but two clubs, I thought the world will end tomorrow."

"Don't say the same thing as my parents, you make me want to beat you up."

Sabito laughed.


Ever since that day, Sabito and Giyuu always have lunch together with Tengen and the others. And because Giyuu is here, Tengen always takes off his jewel headband. Only after Giyuu go away will he wear it again, or Giyuu won't stop bothering him.

Kyojurou says to Giyuu and Tengen.

"Both of you should learn a bit from Nao! Look at him, he manages to make more friends! But look at both of you!"

Tengen crossed his arms and smugly said.

"I got a lot of friends, more than thirty people. All of them are very obedient, they always do what I order them to do."

Sabito sweatdropped.

"Uh, no, that's your henchmen. You can't count them as your close friend."


Giyuu ignored Kyojurou and keep eating quietly.


On the table, there is a lot of flower Kanae get from the Karasuma family garden, some of it she buy it on her own from the florist.

"How about this!? Hm, hm~, I'm pretty proud with my creation this time!"

Naoto shows the flower design he made to Kanae. Kanae take a look and think for a second.

"Five out of ten~."


Hearing Kanae judgment, Naoto slams his own head to the table.

"I don't get it... flower looks the same to me..."

"Ahaha~, you still need a lot to learn."

Still with his chin on the table, Naoto pouted and glanced at Kanae.

"Does it matter? Flower is still a flower, all of them look beautiful to me."

"Mou, that's not what flower arrangement is about."

"Yes, yes, my art sense sucks anyways..."

"Oh, right, Nao."


"Today Nakamura-sensei told me that our school has a gardening club."


"Let's take a look, maybe they can help us by supplying flower. I already plant a lot of seeds in your garden so I'm afraid there won't be enough space left, and we can't buy flowers outside every day, it's pretty expensive. So it will be a great help if the gardening club wants to lend us a hand."

"Hmmm... fine... let's go..."


The two of them look around on the back of the school.

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