Chapter 79 - Hot Situation

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Everyone, sorry to make you wait for so long. I also want to apologize that I made many of you worried.

To be honest, last month has been a really, and very very very shitty month for me. It's a bad thing one after another, so I decided to take a full break for a month because it got me really depressed and stressed me out. Covid-19 also appear in my area, about ten minutes away from my place, so it really take a toll on my mind.

If there is a good thing, Doom eternal and animal crossing is out and I can play it! Also the "kimetsu no yaiba - katahane no chō" Light novel finally arrived, I even got a bonus of wallpaper and cute inosuke paper weight. That's the only good thing for me in march...

Stay safe and healthy :).

Okay, I won't blabber anymore, enjoy \(^o^)/.


Little fact about Butterfly of Change universe:

1. The Karasuma family head, Eiji, got a big construction company along with other business in heavy equipment as well as mining. Meanwhile, the Ubuyashiki family head, Kagaya, has many business in many area, but focused more on urban area development (asking Eiji help to build or construct something a lot of times). As for the Tsugikuni family, the head is Michikatsu, just a normal family but got a noble background in the past. Of course Naoto, didn't know any of this including Iroha. They just thought their father is a head of small company.

2. In the canon version of Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Kochou family run a compound medicine store. In this universe, they run a business in medical equipment and not a medicine, such as X-ray equipment, life support, and many others. The microbacterium specimen and high-end microscope Naoto brought for Iroha and Shinobu is got from the Kochou medical gear store. So Naoto literally give a gift to Shinobu from her father storage. Knowing where Naoto buy this thing, Kanehiro immediately return Naoto money along with the money he used to buy a console game for Kanao.

3. I named the two gray mouse belonged to Tengen, Ishiimaru, and Haiimaru. Why? Because both of them are grey in color. Ishiimaru means: Stone, or rock while haiimaru mean: ash, which are gray in color.


"Hummm, hum, hummm."

In the urban area, a pair of man and girl walked side by side. The boy is wearing a dark green blazer while the girl wore a sand-colored sweater. Each of them is holding a school bag in their hands. The man made a happy humming noise, there is also a big smile plastered on his face.

The man happy mood made the beautiful girl beside him feel confused. She asked with a smile.

"Nao, you look awfully happy today, did something good happen?"

"Glad you ask! Hear this Kanae, jii-chan, Yui-kun, and Mui-kun will come here when their summer break starts!"

"Mah, that's a good news. You must have really miss them."

"You bet I did. He... hehehehe... I can't wait to see my little angels."

A weird laugh come out from Naoto mouth as he is thinking about what he should do to make the Tokitou twins happy once they come here.

Kanae only smile bitterly after she saw Naoto foolish grin.

"Are you going to the palace again after school?"

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