Chapter 2 - First Meeting

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As Karasuma family having a good time in the living room, they can hear a lot of noises outside. Eiji feels curious so he went to the fence to check what noisy sound that is. Beside their house, he can see a lot of people are moving furniture out from a truck.

It looks like someone is going to move here. The house beside them has been empty for a long time. The feature of that house is the opposite of Karasuma family house, It's a big two-level house that look modern, but the garden is pretty small.

He goes back into the living room.

"Someone is moving right beside us."

"Really? They must be doing pretty well that they can afford that kind of house."

Eiji smiled slyly.

"What is this? You also want that house~? I thought you said you are fine living like this until Naoto and Iroha finish their study."

Airi also smiles when his husband teases her.

"Not at all, I'm pretty satisfied with our house right now. Maybe it looks old, but it feels calm. Besides you already install all kinds of modern utility, I don't have any complaints. To be honest I'm getting attached to this place."

Although this house looks old and outdated, Eiji already renovated the kitchen and the bathroom. That two place is the only place that looks modern with nowadays technology.

"I'm happy to hear it."

As the husband and wife chatting, on the side, Naoto is playing with Iroha who keeps chuckling happily.


Night comes.

In the dining room, four people are having dinner. Iroha is sitting on a chair made specialized for baby. Just as Airi put all the dishes on the table, the bell is ringing. They turn their heads toward the front door simultaneously.

"Hm? Visitor this late?"

"Let me check it."

"Ah, me too."

Airi goes to the front door to meet whoever rings the bell of their house. She slides open the door and walk toward the gate. Naoto didn't exit the house, he keeps standing on the door. The fence is pretty high, but he can see there are two people standing right outside the fence. Airi chat with them for a minute before she turns to Naoto and speak.

"Naoto, please call your father here."


Naoto head back to the dining room to call his father, it didn't take long before Eiji appear beside Airi. Naoto is carrying Iroha on his arm, he's still standing on the front door while watching his parents chatting.

The man and woman their parents chatting with looks like in their mid-twenties. They have a refined appearance, the man has a clean-cut hair and the woman's hair is tied into a neat bun. The woman is carrying a baby on her arms. Both of them are extremely friendly.

"I'm sorry to bother you this late, we just move into that house. My name is Kochou Kanehiro, and this is my wife."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kochou Setsuko."


At first I want to name them as Mr. Kochou and Mrs. Kochou since the novel and the manga never named Kochou parents, but I decide to give each of them a name since they are going to appear a lot. Maybe I will change it if the author ever reveal their real name.

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