Chapter 44 - Harvest Festival

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"This place sure has gotten quite lively."

Roku body immediately tensed when he heard that aging yet majestic voice. He quickly turns toward the voice and saw two old men. One is bald and have a long white beard, the other has a long ponytail with a flame mark on the side of his face.

"I'm sorry, Tsugikuni-sama. Also, master, long time no see."

The man with ponytail and flame-like mark on his face is Yoriichi, the chief priest and Naoto grandfather. The monk with bald head and long beard is none other than Reimei.

"No, it's okay."

Reimei nodded at Roku with a huge smile.

"Mm~, long time no see my beloved student~."

Naoto look at Reimei and Roku in confusion, they are master and student?

Yoriichi turn to look at Naoto with a gentle smile.

"Naoto, you've come."

Naoto smiled and nodded.

"Yes, jii-chan~, and..."

He turn to look at Reimei in displease.

"What are you doing here, Reimei-san?"

Reimei start to chuckle.

"Ohohoho~, to enjoy the harvest festival of course. So? How about it? Do you interested in Shingon Buddhism now?"


Naoto shift his gaze to Roku.

"An-chan, why did you call Reimei-san, master, just now?"

"Ah~, I haven't told you yet right? He's the one who teach me about Shorin-ryu style~."

Naoto jaw dropped.

"For real?"

Reimei nodded.

"Mm~, for real, for real~. I heard Roku teach a little kid before, could it be Naoto is the one Roku?"

Roku nodded.


"Ohohoho~, then this makes me your grandmaster. Now, as your grandmaster let me teach you about the awesomeness of Vajrayana. First-"

"No! How many times do I need to refuse!?"

Roku ask his master in confusion.

"But, master, how did you know Naoto-kun? I never introduce him to you before."

Reimei start to explain while stroking his beard.

"Ah, about that, this kid and his friend visit my temple before. That's how I know him. My big brother is also his teacher in kyudo, pleasant coincidence right~?"

Roku nodded in understanding.

"Oh, I see, I see. Pleasant coincidence indeed."

Yoriichi speak calmly.

"It looks like all of you already know each other. Hello, Kagaya, how are you?"

Kagaya greet Yoriichi back.

"I'm fine Yoriichi-sama, thank you for asking."

"What about your wife?"

"She's as good as always."

"That's good to hear."

Yoriichi turn to look at the group of students.

"Are all of them your friend, Naoto?"

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