Chapter 8 - Hydrangea

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After school, Naoto always train under Roku, Miki, and Sakazuki for two hours. On the first day, it will be Roku, second day Miki, and third-day Sakazuki.

Roku is high spirited yet kind and gentle, he also very patient when teaching Naoto. Although Naoto feels a bit irritated that Roku keeps hugging him out of nowhere, sometimes the training got disrupted because of this.

"That's right! You are great! Good job Naoto-kun!"

"Sensei! I haven't done with my training yet! Stop bothering me!"

Sometimes Roku even forgot about the training and try to play with Naoto instead.

Miki also very patient. At first Naoto though he's very scary and cold, turn out he's a kind person who will answer everything Naoto ask. He's pretty strict when training. But Miki likes swearing too much, to the point Airi gives him an angry smile when she come to check the training. Miki becomes a totally different person every time Airi comes, he even speaks more politely. Naoto realized that Miki is scared by his mother's presence.

"Listen Naoto, girls are stupid. They are idiot, and noisy just like a fucking broken washing machine."


"Like a fucking trash bag they are, they will try to claw your wallet. Just a leech. Never trust them, unless you also have business with them. But don't trust them completely. Everything in their mind is full of shit I tell you."

"...What about Kanae...?"

"Girls like Kanae are fine, but not the others. You can't..."

Miki face becomes pale when he saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes. He straightens his back and pat Naoto's head.

"Yes, yes! That's a good one Naoto! Mm, mm, it's only a matter of time before you get a lot stronger than me!"

Naoto look behind Miki, there he saw his mother stood with a cold smile.

"Miki-kun~, what are you thinking speaking like that with Nao?"

Miki shivered, he hurriedly kneeled on the grass.

"I'm sorry Madam!!"

Like Roku and Miki, Sakazuki is very patient and kind. He keeps smiling, never once Naoto see him make any other expression. Every time his mother comes, Sakazuki always hold her hands and say a lot of praise about how beautiful she is. Naoto accidentally look at his phone once, it's full of girls contact number. In short, this man is a playboy. Even Kanae, who occasionally comes to watch him train is not spared from Sakazuki.

"Listen Naoto-kun, all women are queen~."

"Eh? But Miki-sensei said-"

"Don't listen to that woman-hating fool~, this is why many girls are afraid of him. We need to be a gentleman, we need to protect them."

"So, Sakazuki-sensei is a feminist?"



"...Where did you learn that word from?"


"I see, but no, I'm not a feminist. I'm a gentleman~."


What Sakazuki said is totally different from what Miki said.

When Sakazuki see Airi.

"Oh~, Madam, you look even more beautiful today."

"Oh my~, thank you."

"Just like this beautiful sun-"

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