Chapter 39 - Weird Family

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Dinner time in the dining room, all the students went there to have their meal. The dining room is also very big, it can house all the students at the same time.

For whatever reason, there is a weird atmosphere in the air, the girls feel very confused seeing the boys have a face full of bruises.

Kanae who sits beside Naoto, also feels weird seeing him munching his food in a pissed manner. There is also a light bruise on his face.

She has been talking to Naoto about what place they visit today, but Naoto didn't look interested. It's as if his mind is in other places.

"What's wrong, Nao?"

"...It's nothing..."

Koyuki also sits with Hakuji on the other side of the table. She speaks to Hakuji in concern.

"Hakuji-san, did something happ-"

Hakuji immediately cut Koyuki's words and say with a smile.

"Koyuki, you should try these dishes, it's very good. We haven't try unique food like this before right?"

"E-eh, yes."

Tengen and all boys look at Naoto and Hakuji grudgingly, because of both of them, they're out of time to peek. Naoto and Hakuji can feel their gaze, the two quickly glare at them with threatening eyes. Every boy immediately turn their vision to the other way nervously. They got badly beaten by those two before after all.

Kyojurou keep eating without being bothered by the weird atmosphere.

"Tasty! Tasty! Tasty!"

Giyuu reminds Kyojurou.

"Kyojurou, be a bit more quiet, you will bother other guests."


"You are not sorry at all..."

Sabito can only laughed dryly.


He glanced at Tengen who grumpily eat his food, there is also some bruises on his face.

"You are awfully quiet today."

"Shut it. I won't give up..."

Tengen takes out his phone and start writing a message with an evil smile.

"I will make a secret meeting to dispose of those two after this with everyone... and... send... fufufu..."

Sabito can only stare at Tengen in disbelief, he really won't give up just like that.


After dinner, Sabito and the other four take a walk around the lodging.

"Nii-san!", "Onii-san!"

That voices made the five stop on their track. They turned around to see two little boys with similar faces running toward them. Naoto smiled at the twins.

"Yui-kun~, Mui-kun~. Have you finish your dinner?"

Yuichirou and Muichirou nodded.


"Nii-san! Are you free right now?"

"Let's play together!"

Naoto look at Sabito and ask.

"Hey, Sabito, do we have any more schedule today?"

Sabito shook his head.

"No, we will rest here until tomorrow morning at eight before going out again. Who are these two?"

Kimetsu No Yaiba AU - Butterfly Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now