Chapter 51 - Student Council

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Inside the archery club room, all member has assembled.

In front of the crowds of archery members, Misaki, Hatori, and the other third-year student are looking at the rest of them.

Misaki clears her throat and speak.

"I got something to announce. As you already know, me, Hatori, Shinzo, Kaede, Makoto, Kaguya, Ayame and Ayane are third year. That means we won't be here anymore."

Every member starts to make a sad voice.

"No, that's..."

"I don't want to get separated from Kaede-senpai."

"It will get lonely around here without senpai..."

Seeing the disappointment in everyone's face, Misaki smile bitterly.

"This is not something you need to feel sad about. We are merely advancing into senior high, we will meet again there. We also intend to open an archery club in high school. That's why right now I will appoint a new captain and vice-captain."

All members suddenly become quiet, and Makoto move forward.

"The eight of us already discuss about it and we decided that Naoto and Kazehaya will become the captain and vice-captain."

Naoto who is playing his phone feel shocked to hear his name being mentioned.

"Eh!? What!? No! No way! I refuse! Not a single chance in hell! Not even if the hell frozen or the sea dried up!"

Misaki ignored Naoto and look at Kazehaya.

"Kazehaya-kun, as the vice-captain, please support Naoto-kun okay? You need to keep an eye on him all the time because he like to run away."

Kazehaya salute to Misaki with a wide smile.

"Yes, leave it to me."

Naoto refute.

"'Leave it to me' my ass! I never agree to become the captain!"

Misaki act s if Naoto is not there and ask everyone.

"Any complaint?"


"I got a complaint! I refuse it!"

"Great, with this Naoto-kun is officially the new captain. Please listen to whatever Naoto-kun and Kazehaya-kun said okay?"


"Listen to me!!"

"Geez, Naoto-kun, you are too noisy. We already submit the change in club president name before we announce it, so whether you want it or not you already become the captain of this club."

"You've gotta be kidding me..."

Kazehaya pat Naoto shoulder with a happy smile.

"Please take care of me okay, captain~."

Naoto's eyes twitched in irritation.

"You sure look very happy Kazehaya..."

"Ahaha~, is that so? But since we are the only boys left in this club once senpai become high schooler, we need to help each other."


Naoto sighs heavily, as Kazehaya said, they are the only boys left if Misaki and the others advanced into the high school. There is no man in this year freshmen after all, and in their year, Naoto and Kazehaya is the only boys.

Shinzo stomp the floor in frustration.

"Stop looking down you rascal! You and Kazehaya got your own harem! I envy you dammit!"

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