Chapter 26 - Archery Club

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"Nao, how about this?"

Kanae points her finger at the biggest training ground. Naoto looks at the door, above it, there is a sign, 'Archery Club'.

"Hm, archery huh. Sure, let's take a look."

Both of them push the door open. What come into their view was a long training ground with a lot of wooden target at the very end of the yard. Many people are shooting their arrows from under the canopy. Naoto realizes that most of the member here is made by sixty percent girl, unlike the other sports club, this one actually mixed the boy and girl.

"Excuse me."

One of the club member girls approaches Kanae after hearing her voice.

"Hello, both of you are freshmen?"

Kanae nodded.


"Do you want to join our club?"

"Ah, no, we come here to see what kind of club is this first before deciding."

"Ah I see, then let me call our captain."

The girl turned around and call a girl with short bob hair who is still shooting the arrow.

"Misaki! Can you come here for a little bit??"

Hearing her name being called, the girl called Misaki stop shooting her bow and approach both of them.

"This is our captain, she will attend to both of you."

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Thank you."

Kanae and Naoto bowed as the girl walked away. Misaki smiled at both of them, she looks very mature.

"Welcome to the archery club, I'm Misaki, the captain of the archery club."

"Nice to meet you Misaki-san, we are-"

"Ah, no need to introduce yourself. I already know both of you from the opening ceremony, Kanae-chan and Naoto-kun right? But still..."

Misaki shifts her gaze to Naoto.

"You sure are pretty bold to say something like that in front of many people."

Kanae laughed dryly while Naoto avert his gaze to the side.

"Both of you want to try what archery club feels like right?"


"Then come with me."

The three of them went to the front of the canopy. Misaki give each of them a protective guard and a pretty long bow.

"First, wear the armor. Follow me, do it like this... And this..."

The two of them didn't have any problem and they quickly wear the protective guard.

"Good now, let's try shooting. I will demonstrate it now, first, you take a stance to the side like this... Grip the end of the arrow using three fingers... Put the lead on your left thumb... Pull the strings and aim... And... Shoot."

Misaki pulls the bow and released the arrow, it flies through the sky and hit the wooden target far away.

Naoto and Kanae feel amazed.


Misaki turns to look at Naoto and Kanae.

"Okay, your turn. Don't worry about failing, everyone always fails at the first shoot. Shoot the nearest target first."

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