Chapter 34 - Bread of Change

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Ever since Reigen become the coach for Kimetsu academy, it's been more than a month and Naoto always comes every day to the archery club to the point it shock Misaki and the others. That Naoto who is very lazy and doesn't care about club activities that much? That Naoto who always does whatever he wants?

There is a reason for this, back then...

Reigen crosses his arms as he unhappily looks at Naoto who is putting a new target paper on the circular bamboo.

"I heard from the others that you only come here once or twice a week, is that true?"

Timidly, Naoto nodded.


"Hmph! And you want to improve like that?! Maybe you got a talent but it's nothing special without hard work! No wonder your shooting form is shitty! You are doomed to stay in this level if you only practice that much! get your priority right!"

"B-but master, I also got another club to attend."

"Tell me which is more important!? This or that!? Choose one!"


"I said choose one you dumb brat! Listen here you little brat..."

Hatori and the others can only look at Naoto sympathetically as he's being scolded by Reigen without mercy. Reigen is a very harsh teacher, however, he seems even scarier when teaching Naoto that it scares others too much.

Day is getting later and many club member starts to go home.

"I will go home first, please return the key back to the teacher office after you done, Naoto-kun."

Misaki said from the doorstep, she already change her hakama back to her sailor uniform.

Naoto who's still shooting his arrow, take a look toward the doorstep.

"Yes, good work today."

"Good work. Later."

"Later, be careful on the way home senpai. Well, I don't think I need to say that though. With your gorilla power, you can bash everyone head into the concrete."

A vein appeared on Misaki head, her smile twitched in irritation.

"Don't you forget I'm also a girl~?"

"I-I'm sorry, please be safe, my lady."


Misaki slam the door close angrily and Naoto heave a huge sigh of relieve. He really needs to control his mouth sometimes.

After everyone went home, Naoto is the only one left. He continues to shoot the arrow in silence. Only the sound of the bow string and arrow hitting the target can be heard. Perfectly calm, just like what archery dojo should be.

"Fuh... I guess that's enough for today."

Naoto said as he went to get the arrow on the target.

"But how do I shoot like master?"

When he remembers Reigen shooting form, he feels he got dragged in into something deep and big.

"Sigh... I can only keep training now."

He gets all of the arrows he shot and put it back on the arrow rack. After that he detached the string of his bow and put it on the bow rack. Suddenly, the door opened and an old man with a bald head and long beard entered the dojo.

Naoto turns to look toward the door.

"Master? You haven't gone home yet?"

Like always, Reigen face looks cold without any warmth.

Kimetsu No Yaiba AU - Butterfly Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now