Chapter 25 - Worries

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School finally ended today.

Kanae packed her bag and went to the class next door. From the doorstep, she can see Naoto is also packing the book into his bag.

"Nao~, let's go home."

Naoto looks up and saw Kanae is standing at the doorstep with a smile.


At the same time, there is three girl who is about to exit the class. When they saw Kanae on the door, they stop their track in fear. Kanae realized that the three girls are staring at her.

"Ah, I'm sorry, please."

Kanae step to the side to let the three girls through, they hurriedly run out from the class and it made Kanae feel weird. It feels like they avoid Kanae instinctively.

"Let's go."


Right now both of them are walking near the riverbank, the sun starts to set, making the road dyed with orange color.

"I already heard about what happened today. Even though I already say to you a lot of times not to pick a fight with anyone."

"S-sorry... you mad?"

Naoto glanced at Kanae who walk beside him and timidly asked. Kanae gently shook her head and smile softly.

"MmMm, not at all, I feel happy that you did it for me. But I'll feel happier if you didn't do anything about it. Just like food, people also have someone they don't like, it's normal. That's why next time, please just ignore them okay?"



"...Okay... but I won't promise you, there is a limit to everything."

"Hehehe~, thank you. Hey, there is something I want to ask."


"You class president, Koyuki-chan, are you close with her?"

"Prez? If you ask whether we are close or not, you can say we are pretty close."

"Pretty close? Like what?"

"Well, she's the first friend I actually make. And she helps me a lot in the class, she also keeps encouraging me. Thanks to her I manage to become friends with Giyuu, Suma-san, and Makio-san."

"I see."

"Sometimes I share my bread with her, and she sometimes gives a cookie for me."

"F-for real??"

"Yeah, she looks like she wanted it so I let her have a taste. Also, her cookie is actually very good. I-"

"H-hey, Nao."


"You already know what kind of club to join?"

"Club? I don't have any interest in that kind of thing. if I join a club then I won't be able to see my two cute little angels."

"T-then, let's go find a club tomorrow."


Naoto made an unpleasant face, Kanae clap her hands high spiritedly.

"Don't worry, I will join whichever club you want!"


"Because I'm sure it will be fun!"

"But it sounds like a drag... and I don't have any real interest..."

"It's okay, it's okay~, I'm sure you will change your mind soon~. School life experience won't be completed unless you join a club one time."

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