Chapter 66 - Last Summer in Junior High

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What is life again? I feel my whole life is dedicated to wait for Gotouge-sensei work.

And this is the colored version, since the one in the cover is super blurry for some reason, I don't know why, other people cover got a very high quality looks, so it confuse me a little bit.

And this is the colored version, since the one in the cover is super blurry for some reason, I don't know why, other people cover got a very high quality looks, so it confuse me a little bit

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Though It's a good thing because there is a lot of black dot on the hydrangea flower leaves, I already tried to erase it but everytime I'm done with it, the black dot keep reappearing. I finally give up and leave it as it is.

Anyway, this is the new chapter, I'm so sorry for not being able to upload anything in the past few days.



"Thank you, Airi-san, Eiji-san."

"Likewise, thank you, Kanehiro-san, Setsuko-san."

"Let's do it again sometimes."

"I will bring my priced wine next time."

The four adults are talking to each other right in front of  the Kochou family house, they just got back from the Hakuba mountain. All of the thing from the trailer has been put into the respective owner house.

Airi takes a glance toward the jeep that is parked in front of Kochou house. Inside, Naoto is still sitting alone without moving, he only stared at the rooftop of the car blankly as if his soul has been sucked out.

Ever since his phone broke, Naoto always act like this during the entire vacation in Hakuba mountain.

And, it irritates Airi a little bit.

"Nao, if you didn't have anything better to go and help Iroha clean the house. There is a lot of dust because we are not here for weeks."

Without any spirit and monotone voice, Naoto mumbled.


"Me and your father got a little work to do right now and I want the house already clean by the time I got back. Understand?"

"...Yes... eh? Wait, what about Kyoto?"

"Change of plan, we are pretty busy. But if you want to go there then you can go on your own, you can also bring Iroha if she wanted to."

Going to Kyoto again? No, there is no way he wants to go there again. He already goes there too much in the past one year. Even though he wanted to meet his grandfather and twin cousins, thinking about Nene waiting for him there making his head hurt even more.

"No... I'll pass this time..."


He get off from the car and dispiritedly entered his house to help his little sister sweeping and moping the floor while his parents continue to drive the jeep somewhere else.

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