Chapter 14 - Old Friend?

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The middle school arc probably can be published either tomorrow night or the day after~ (probably)

More character appears on the way.


"Nao-kun, your father is here to get you~."

Setsuko called Naoto who is having a breakfast together. Hearing that his father is here, Naoto flinched in fear. But his father is coming here to get him himself, so he shouldn't make him wait too long. Naoto went to the front door and hide behind Setsuko timidly.

He glanced up at Eiji face, he wants to know if his father is still mad or not. Naoto can't see any kind of dissatisfaction on Eiji face, it looks like he's safe right now.


"Naoto, have you eaten any breakfast yet?"

This time Naoto feels relieved, his father's tone is very gentle and kind. He stop hiding behind Setsuko and stands to face his father.

"Yes, we just finish having breakfast."

"Good, then let's go."


Naoto just realizes there is a jeep behind Eiji, he doesn't know why but he obediently gets on the car. He feel surprised to see there are three people inside the car. Roku is on the driver seat, while Miki and Sakazuki is sitting in the middle.

"Roku-sensei, Miki-sensei, Sakazuki-sensei, what are the three of you doing here!?"

Roku smiled kindly like always.

"We got a job you see and your father calls the three of us here."

Naoto feels confused. If they got a job so why he need to tag along?

"What job?"

Miki who props his chin on the car door answered nonchalantly.

"It's related to you, no, more like it's related to you and your father."


Sakazuki also says.

"Ma~, ma~, you will know in a bit. Just be patient~."


Naoto sit in-between Sakazuki and Miki.

"Setsuko-san, Kanehiro-san, thank you like always."

Eiji thanked Setsuko and Kanehiro who just appear in the front door. Kanae and Shinobu also there.

"No~, no~, Nao-kun already like our own child. He can come here any time he wants."

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, there is someone I need to calculate my business with..."

Kanae and Shinobu wave their hand at Naoto who is sitting inside the car.

"Later, Nao~."


Naoto sits on Miki lap and open the window before he waves back.

"Mm, later~."

When Eiji get in the car, Roku starts the car and drove it away. Naoto asked him who sit on the passenger seat in front.

"Father, where are we heading?"

"You will see in a moment."

Eiji answered without looking at Naoto. Eiji vague answer made Naoto feel even more confused. Just where they are heading right now?

Kimetsu No Yaiba AU - Butterfly Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now