Chapter 13 - Terrifying Experience part 2

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However, when Naoto come back, the first thing he sees is his father and mother who are frowning deeply. They have been waiting for him in front of the house all this time. Naoto can only swallow his saliva in fear.

"We need to talk."

When his father speaks like that, that means he's in very big trouble. Naoto obediently sits on the ground in front of his parents. They start to scold him harshly until tears welled up on both of his eyes. Iroha is peeking to the front yard from the front door while hugging Shiro on her arms, she's trembling in fear seeing her beloved big brother got scolded. Maybe this is the first time she ever see her parents this mad.

Eiji and Airi already heard about what happened, they know a lot of people from the shopping district and marketplace. Obviously, the people in that area already tell Eiji everything that happened. Trespassing people's houses and destroying many properties of the marketplace. Eiji needs to compensate for all of those damages, and it's not cheap.

No matter what kind of excuse Naoto made, his parents won't believe it. Naoto is with Tengen, that alone is enough to make him guilty.

"You aren't allowed to get into the house until you reflect on your action."

Naoto's face turns blue hearing what Eiji said, but before Naoto can say anything, his parents already get into the house and lock the door.


And that's how it leads to the situation right now.

"Father! Mother! Please open the door! I know I'm at fault! Please forgive me!"

Naoto keep banging the door and pleading like a wronged child.

"Uwahhh! Onii-sama! Onii-sama! I want to see onii-sama!"

"Meow! Meow!"

Naoto can hear Iroha start crying and Shiro meowing loudly from inside the house, his face turn pale.

"Iroha! Please don't cry! Onii-chan won't go anywhere!"

In the living room, Airi and Eiji feel their head hurts. They are trying their best to raise Naoto into a perfect and fine man, but for some reason, he turn out like this. And ever since Naoto train under Roku, Miki, and Sakazuki, he got even worse.

He starts learning a lot of insults under Miki, and his sarcasm has reached a whole new level because of Sakazuki. Although Naoto always acts like a good and obedient child at home, they got a lot of bad news about Naoto outside.

At first, they keep scolding and reprimanding Naoto, but it looks like it didn't have any effect. So every time Naoto makes a big mistake just like today, they will lock him outside.


Kochou family house.

Kanehiro, Setsuko, Kanae, and Shinobu just about to have dinner when the sound of crying reaches their ears. They look at each other with a bitter smile.

Shinobu feels confused.

"Onii-chan is crying?"

Kanehiro put down his newspaper and say.

"Yes, it looks like Nao-kun got kicked out again. What did he do this time?"

Setsuko places a bowl of rice on the table before she answers.

"Airi-san said he got a complaint that Nao-kun and one of his friends cause trouble in the market."

"I see, Kanae, please call him here."

"Yes, father."

Kanae nodded and went to get Naoto to their house.

Naoto has been kicked out a lot of times before because he keeps fighting with other delinquents... because of Tengen... There is a time when Naoto accidentally broke some of their bones or destroying the surrounding area. This has angered Eiji a lot of times... although it was Tengen who start everything and drag Naoto into it...

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