Chapter 4 - Talisman

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Ever since that day, Kanae always come to play with Naoto every day. Naoto also enjoys her company, they will read a book together or went to the garden to play with their little sister. Eiji and Airi also feel happy that Naoto finally can open up at least to some people.

"Naoto-kun, Naoto-kun!"

That loud voice followed bedroom door slid open made Naoto who is reading on the table, jolted on his seat. He turns around to look at Kanae with a surprised face.

"What's wrong?"

Today, Kanae brings Shinobu to play with Iroha. So he takes this chance to read a book he never had a chance to read before since he keep playing with Kanae.

"Come, quick! There is something you need to see!"

"Wait, wha-!?"

Kanae grab Naoto's arm and pull him out to the living room before he can say anything else.

In the living room, Naoto only see Iroha and Shinobu playing like always, it made him a bit confused.

"Um... what do I need to see?"

"Look! Look at Shinobu!"


He gaze at Shinobu for a few seconds quietly, suddenly Naoto notice something. Shinobu is trying to get up, her leg trembled as she tried to pick herself up. Naoto's eyes shined in happiness, he quickly squats near Shinobu.

"You can do it Shinobu! You can do it! Go! Go!"

Kanae also start cheering for her little sister.

"Fight on~, fight on~, only a little bit more~."

With all of her might, Shinobu manages to stand up. But she keep wobbling left and right.

"You did it!"


She's trying to take a step forward.

"Oh? Oh!? Ohhh!! She's going to walk Kanae!"

"Yes! Yes!"

When Shinobu raise one of her feet and put it forward, Naoto and Kanae face become happier.

"She walk! She is walking!"

"Continue Shinobu, you can do it~."

Shinobu take another step forward, her body keeps swaying left and right, it's very hard for a baby to keep their balance. Kanae keeps clapping her hands.

"Come here Shinobu, nee-san is here~, come, come~."

Shinobu look at the two people that keep cheering her on, she stares at Kanae for a second and then to Naoto. She clumsily walks toward him before she falls down on Naoto's body. Naoto hurriedly catch her and pat her head.

"Good work~."


Naoto looks dumbfounded for a second, did she just call his name? He feels very happy and hugs Shinobu with a foolish grin.

"Yesss~, this is Nao~, Naoto onii-chan. Shinobu~, you are so cute~."

Kanae keep smiling like usual, but Naoto feel something is different from her smile.


"Uh... Kanae?"


"Why are you angry?"

"I'm not angry~."

"You are... Your smile is scarier than the usual. W-what did I do?"

"Isn't that great? She walk to you first and she can say your name... Nao..."

Kimetsu No Yaiba AU - Butterfly Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now