Chapter 28 - Unpredictable

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Meanwhile, in the archery club room, Naoto already buys everything needed for his personal use. Right now he is wearing a black and white archery hakama. Using the new bow, Naoto tries to shoot the wooden target.

All of his gears are recommended by the shop owner. The bow is the most expensive out of all of his gear, it cost ninety thousand yens because it's made from the best material and can last longer. His father already said to buy better gear and he gives him extra money after all.

His bow is pitch black in color with yellow grip and small golden lotus symbol on the front. On his waist, there is quiver with the same color as his bow and golden flower pattern along with few arrows.

As Naoto keeps shooting his arrow, the boys are sitting on the back while watching him.

"You guys went to archery shop with captain and the others, right? How much draw weight did Karasuma bow has?"


"What!? Are you for real?!"

"Yes, Misaki-san suggest him the twenty-kilos draw weight bow, but the owner said he can improve more so there you go... he used thirty-kilos version."


"Hey... I've been thinking about this..."


"Isn't Karasuma look very beautiful when he draws his bow?"

The other boys immediately take a safe distance from the man who says it.

"Y-you... could it be you swing that way?"

"You finally gave up on finding a girlfriend?"

"So even male is fine?"

"W-wait, it's not that! I'm just saying that he looks beautiful!"

"Well, certainly, if I never heard his voice maybe I already mistake him as one."

The girl members start to swarm Naoto after he finishes shooting all of his arrows. It made Naoto feel overwhelmed.

"Naoto-kun~, here have something to eat~."

"Try this too~."

"And this~."

"My, you are so cute~."

"I always want a cute little brother~."

"Is it tasty?"

They shove one food after another into his mouth.

"W-wait senpai! Bwugh... Gulp, please-... amgh... gulp, stop! Mughhh!"

Some of the boys look gloomy seeing this scene.

"Now they only give attention to Karasuma."

"They keep pampering him."

"Can't be helped, maybe because of his girl-like face it made the girls feel more at ease around him."

"But they never give me any treatment like that before!"

One of the girls looks at the boy in displease.

"Ano... can you please be quiet a little bit? You are too noisy. We are talking to Naoto-kun right now."

The boy wipes his tears.

"Sob, See? Now they become even colder."

His friends pat his shoulder in sympathy.

"Damn you Karasuma! I hate you!"

Naoto shout to the back angrily.

"Why did you suddenly become hostile toward me senpai!? I'll gladly exchange place with you right now! Captain! Help me!"

Kimetsu No Yaiba AU - Butterfly Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now