Chapter 9 - Encounter

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Sorry for the late publish today, I got a lot of work to finish today. And I'm sorry I can only publish one chapter today, I will try to publish more than one tomorrow.



The next day.

"Nao, let's go home~."

Kanae said as she pick her bag up. Naoto nodded lightly, he close his book and start to pack all of his things up.

"Wait a second."

She didn't ask Naoto anything about the reason why he cried yesterday, there is something that someone only want to keep for himself, but if Naoto wants to tell it to her, then she will feel very happy.

Naoto feel very grateful for it, however, even if he wants to explain it to Kanae, he doesn't know how to do it. Because the memory is very fuzzy, it feels like a bubble that popped, making him can't remember about it anymore.

After packing up, both of them start to walk together out from school.

At the playground, kid with bright yellow hair and big round eyes are playing with a beetle with his other friends. He got distracted and look to the side. He can see there is four people that tailing over a pair of girl and boy.

His friend with semi-long grey hair takes a big stag beetle out of his clothes with a proud smile.

"Today, I'm going to be the winner. This flamboyant beetle I caught yesterday is bigger than yours. A perfect beetle for a boy full of flamboyance like me~. Oi, what are you looking at? Let's start the battle."

"Sorry! That four people look suspicious!"

The boy with yellow hair points his finger at the group of people that just leave the school ground. Grey-haired boy look toward the four people his friend pointed.

"You think too much. More importantly, let's continue. Today I won't lose! With this God-Flamboyant-MK II, I will crush your inferno drill!"

Inferno drill is the name of the yellow-haired boy beetle. The yellow-haired boy take his bull beetle out from his bag with a big smile.

"Sure! Hahaha! One rare poke card from whoever lose!"


Just when both of them put their beetle on the ground, one teacher suddenly come running toward both of them.

"Hora!! Tengen-kun! Kyojurou-kun! You bring that thing again to the school!"

"Gehhh! Sensei is here! Let's run, we will another place to have our battle!"

"Hm! Hm! Run! Run! Hahaha!"

Both of them start to run out of the school.

"I will call both of your parents do you hear me??"

Seeing the two boys already run pretty far away, the teacher who chase after them give up and went back into the school building.


Right now, Naoto and Kanae are walking alongside the river bank. Beside them, above the grass, there is a lot of flower grow. Kanae smiles happily and run down the riverbank toward the grass of flowers, it makes Naoto panicked a bit.

"Wahhh~, look, look, there is so many beautiful flower here~."

"W-wait, be careful!"

Seeing Kanae start plucking the flower, Naoto smile bitterly. He also run down to the river bank and squats beside Kanae. There is a lot of purplish and pink colored flower on the bushes.

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