Chapter 64 - Start of Summer Vacation

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Under the scorching sun, a girl is walking through a desolated street. Maybe because the weather is very hot today, people prefer to stay indoors in fear of heatstroke.

The girl is wearing a thin clothes and short pants, her long black hair is tied into a twin tail. Black sunglasses and wide hat covered her head, but on a closer look, she's a beauty that can make other people fall for her.

Pulling a suitcase behind her, the girl continue to walk while looking around. Once in a while she take a glance at a small paper in her hand.

"It should be around here..."

Judging from the map and note on the paper, it looks like she is searching for a house of her acquaintances.

She scan her surrounding until her eyes focused on a small house made from wood that looks very old. It's very eye-catching because this is the only traditional style house in this modern residence area.

Near the small gate, there is a steel nameplate saying 'Karasuma'. Small smile bloomed on her beautiful facr, finally, she found it.

Walking closer to the house, she presses the bell near the door to call whoever living inside.

However, after a few minutes of pressing the bell, there is still no answer.

The girl tilt her head in confusion.

"Are? Arerere...? Are they out I wonder... I came here without notice after all. But I'm sure it shouldn't take long."

She decided to wait for a little bit, maybe the people living here are out to buy something for dinner or something along those lines. She's sure they will come back in a moment.

Using her suitcase as a chair, she sat on the top of it and start to wait while playing with her phone.

Three hours passed.

Some people who walk pass the girl feel a bit flustered to see her state.

Sweat flow down from the girl beautiful cheeks like a river. Her clothes also wet from the sweat, making it stick onto her skin.

Beside her, there is a lot of empty water bottle. She need to keep rehydrating herself in this hot summer or she will fall sick easily.

Right now she feel a bit agitated.

"This is weird... They are taking too long..."

She knew it, she should have told the owner of the house beforehand that she will come here.

"Excuse me, are you looking for the Karasuma?"

A voice suddenly sounded as a big shadow covered the girl.

The girl raise her head after hearing that voice. She saw a beautiful middle-aged woman with a mole on her left mouth holding an umbrella. Beside the middle-aged woman, there is an old woman and cute little boy with burgundy hair.

They are carrying a big tote bag full of house necessities. It looks like they just got back from shopping.

The three of them look at the girl worriedly.

"I'm sorry for calling out to you so suddenly. We saw you on our way before and when we come back you still didn't move from here. So I just..."

The girl shook her head with a weak smile.

"No, thank you for your concern. I'm sorry if I make you worried. But yes, I'm waiting for them."

The middle-aged woman and old woman look at each other with troubled expression.

Kimetsu No Yaiba AU - Butterfly Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now