1. Of course I will marry you

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"We've been together for three years, but my love for you grows stronger with each passing day. I wouldn't want anyone else if it weren't you. You're my childhood friend, my first, my everything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." the man said, pulling a velvet box from his pocket and kneeling in one knee.

"Kim Taehyung, will you marry me?"

Taehyung is a weeping mess. He places his palm on his chest as tears of joy flood down his cheeks. He cupped the guy's face and leaned down to give him a long, passionate kiss.

"Yes! Of course I will marry you, Bogum." he declared, smiling as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Bogum stood up and put the expensive oval diamond ring onto Taehyung's ring finger, then they hugged each other tightly.

"Congratulations!" Taehyung and Bogum's family and friends exclaimed as they appeared unexpectedly, surprising Taehyung.

The two newly engaged couples separate from their embraces to face their families and friends.

"You all are here? Oh my god!" Taehyung exclaimed, shocked. His heart was filled with joy because all of their loved ones were present on one of the happiest days of their lives.

"Of course, I'm your brother after all." Jin remarked, beaming with joy for his younger brother.

 Both of their parents died five years ago when their private jet was destroyed. It is so badly destroyed that no one could possibly survive such a disaster. Taehyung's family is one of the wealthiest in Korea, thus, when both of his parents died, they did not go starving. Jin is the eldest and the one who manages their company, which has over 15 branches across Korea and nearly 50 in other countries.

Taehyung, on the other hand, is a well-known model who decided to delegate responsibility for their firm to his brother since he could not handle too many duties and stress. He occasionally attends meetings because he is also the owner of Kim's corporation, but that's it, and he doesn't really meddle in the company.

"Congratulations, Tae, and you, my dear cousin, please take care of him, huh?" Taehyung's best friend, Jimin, added.

Jimin and Taehyung have been best friends since they were children. They became friends because they both attended the same school. Bogum, on the other hand, is Jimin's cousin, when they were younger, Bogum spent his summer vacation at Jimin's mansion, where Bogum and Taehyung met. They became very good friends before they fell in love with each other.

"It's my responsibility to care for this precious human." Bogum responded.

"Show me your ring, Tae," Namjoon said as the younger flexed the sparkling and glittering diamond ring on his ring finger.

"Woah! This is expensive!" Jin's husband, Namjoon, exclaimed.

"Only the best for my fiance." Bogum said, hugging Taehyung from behind, making everyone smile at how lovely the couple was.

After a few minutes of congratulating the two, they eventually had dinner. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the wedding that they began to bombard the couple with questions regarding the date, location, and theme of their wedding, even their honeymoon plans.

The two haven't made any arrangements yet, but the only thing everyone knows is that it will be a beach wedding because Taehyung loves beaches and sunsets, and that it will take place next year because they still need to prepare for everything.

Bogum drew Taehyung closer to him while everyone ate dinner.

"I can't wait for you to be Mr. Park Taehyung," Bogum said, making Taehyung flush with the name his fiancé used.

"Stop. You're making me blush." Taehyung responded, placing his palm over his now-red as a tomato face.

"I love seeing you blush for me, babe."

"Should we go to honeymoon first?" Taehyung teased Bogum.

"Woah, babe. I like the confidence. Let's get going then." Bogum answered, winking at Taehyung.

"Can we talk about the wedding first? You two are way too excited for your honeymoon." Jin said, rolling his eyes at the newly engaged couple.

"Sorry, Hyung. Your brother is such a tease." Bogum said before placing a soft and gentle kiss on Taehyung's temple.

After a long night, everyone decided to call it a day. Of course, Taehyung went home with Jin, as his older brother never let him stay at Bogum's house, even for one night.

When they arrived home, Taehyung immediately went to his room and laid down on his bed with a cheerful heart and a lovely smile on his face. He raised his hand, gazing at his exquisite engagement ring, and flushed again at the thought of marrying his childhood friend and now-fiancé, Bogum.

The night had been perfect—so lovely and full of love that Taehyung fell asleep with a contented smile.

The night had been perfect—so lovely and full of love that Taehyung fell asleep with a contented smile

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Hi love! New book it is!
What are your thoughts on this
hmmm pilot chapter?..

Sorry for making y'all mad but
i promise it's a Vkook story. 😊

Also are y'all comfortable
Taehyung getting preggy?
Let me know your thoughts. 😉

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are highly appreciated.

See you next update!

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