10. Instagram post

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It was 8 in the evening when Taehyung went back to the hotel where he's staying on Nami Island. He went for a walk in the most popular park, surrounded by trees. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the time. 
Once he entered his room, he lay flat down on the soft mattress, staring at the ceiling. He stayed in the same position, trying his best to remember how he ended up marrying Jungkook.
"Jungkook! Yeah. Maybe I can remember him if I see his face." 

Taehyung pondered as he sat up and reached into his bag to retrieve his phone. He then instantly taps the Instagram app and searches for Jungkook's account.

 He then instantly taps the Instagram app and searches for Jungkook's account

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"Oh, he has a girlfriend. I'm assuming he's bisexual? Is he? Why did he end up married to a man, right?" He said as he continued to scan and maximize every picture to have a better look.

Sure, Taehyung had already heard Jungkook's name, as the CEO is quite famous in the world of business. However, Taehyung doesn't have any interest in the industry, that's why he doesn't give much attention to those business tycoons, much to remember their faces, know about their stories, and such. 

After a couple of minutes of scrolling through Jungkook's account, he figured out some things:

First: He has a longtime girlfriend but is not yet engaged.
Second: His girlfriend owns a lingerie company. Third: His girlfriend has an attitude, but she has every reason to have since she's pretty.
Fourth: Jeon siblings are handsome
and Fifth: Jungkook seemed so familiar, but he can't still remember marrying him.

Taehyung sighed in disappointment. He just stared at Jungkook's solo photo that the CEO of Jeon Tech uploaded to his personal account. He was seated on his bed, his eyes never leaving his husband's picture, lost in his own thoughts, remembering where exactly they met and what happened three years ago when he became Mr. Jeon. 

Taehyung was interrupted by his own thoughts when his phone started to vibrate. He looked at the caller ID, and it was Jimin who was calling. He sighed once again before taking up the call. 
"Hey Chim." Taehyung answered with an obvious disappointment in his tone of voice.
"What happened? Did you already go to the chapel?" 
"I did."

""Apparently I went there 3 years ago with Jungkook, and it was them who took care of the papers after we got married." Taehyung responded, causing both to sighe in unison.
"You can't still remember what happened?" 
"I can't. Not a single thing. I even tried to stalk him on Instagram. I thought that once I saw his face, maybe I could remember a thing, but naah. I just found out that the Jeon siblings are quite handsome." 
"Are you kidding me? They are indeed handsome, especially their eldest brother." Jimin said with excitement in his voice, which Taehyung recognized.

"Do you like him?" Taehyung asked. Jimin blushes just thinking of Jeon's eldest brother. Luckily, Taehyung couldn't see him because he knew he couldn't deny it. 
"What? No. I only met him once." Jimin answered. 
"Anyway, back to you. What are you going to do now? I already found a trusted lawyer who's an expert in divorce cases. Would you like to talk to him once you go back to Seoul?" 
"Yeah! Got to talk to a lawyer before I talk to Jungkook."
"Oh! Did you already reach out to him and inform him about the marriage?"

"No, I haven't yet. I got to figure out first what to do. He has a long-time girlfriend, so I bet he's going to cooperate. The priest also mentioned that there's two girls who's with us that night. I need to talk to them as well, I just hope they remember that night."
"Two girls?? Who are they?" 
"I don't know. But their names are familiar. The priest said that they are my best friends.
"Wow, Kim Taehyung. I feel betrayed. I thought I'm your best friend." 

"Duh! Of course you are. You're my only best friend, Chim. That's why I trusted you about this mess I'm dealing with right now." 
"So, I'll just have to wait for you back here in Seoul. Let me know what your next step is. Remember, next year will be your wedding, so we need to fix it as soon as possible."
"Yeah, I know. Thanks for reminding me," Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes. 
The two bid their goodbyes and say their I love yous before they end the call. 

Taehyung sighed again and lay flat on his stomach on his bed, burying his face in the soft mattress. A couple of minutes had passed, and he remembered that he hadn't updated his fiancé about his whereabouts yet, so he rolled over on the bed and picked up his phone again. 
To his surprise, his screen was still where he left it when Jimin called. It was still on Jungkook's Instagram account, in the photo, the CEO from Jeon Tech uploaded it a few weeks ago.

"Oh fuck!!!" Taehyung gasped when he saw that he unintentionally liked Jungkook's selfie. 
"What the fuck Kim Taehyung out of all pictures?! Seriously!!" 

  "What the fuck Kim Taehyung out of all pictures?! Seriously!!" 

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