18. Reminisce

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Taehyung arrived at the Butter and Dynamite cafe around 4:45 in the afternoon. He thought that he was the first to arrive, but he saw that Tzuyu and Yoo Jung were already there and just waiting for him. He approached them straight, as the two were already eyeing him with a smile on their faces.
"You two are early. Have you been here for long?" Taehyung asked as he pulled the chair and sat across from the two girls. 
"No, we just arrived about 3 minutes ago." Tzuyu responded. 
"Let's order first." Yoo Jung suggested, and the two nodded in agreement. 

A man provided them with the menu as the three scanned the foods they served. After a few minutes, they finally decided what to order. Tzuyu ordered garlic buttered shrimp and a beer; Yoo Jung ordered spicy pork bulgogi and a beer as well; Taehyung, on the other hand, ordered garlic butter steak and a mango juice.
They waited for about 5 minutes before their order arrived. They immediately started to eat while having a conversation.
"What's up with the mango juice?" Yoo Jung asked.
"I can't, I'll be driving home." Taehyung answered as he took a spoonful of steak from his mouth.
"Remember he has a low tolerance for alcohol. He mentioned it before." Tzuyu stated 

Taehyung's eyes widen in shock.
"Wow! She really can remember things." Taehyung thought to himself.
"I told you I have a sharp memory." Tzuyu said upon seeing Taehyung's shocked face.
"Let's get drunk, then you can just text your husband to come pick you up," Yoo Jung suggested, making Taehyung choke on his food. Tzuyu immediately handed him his mango juice as she carefully tapped his back. 
"Are you okay? Are you hungry or what?" Tzuyu asked. 
"Eat slowly, Taehyung, we're not in a rush, right?" Yoo Jung said.
When Taehyung regained his composure, he immediately asked Yoo Jung what she meant. 

"What do you mean, husband?" Taehyung asked. 
"Aren't you married already? Or you guys weren't able to process your papers?" Yoo Jung asked.
"Didn't Father Jackson mention that they could just process the papers for the two of you, especially since your husband has been giving them donations? He said that it was his simple way of saying thank you." Tzuyu added.
Finally, the topic they are talking about is the wedding Taehyung and Jungkook can't seem to remember. And Taehyung couldn't be more thankful that the two remembered what happened that night three years ago. 
And as if on cue, Taehyung saw Jungkook walking where they were seated. Tzuyu and Yoon Jung's eyes widen, and a smile forms on their lips. 
"Your husband is here." Tzuyu said, and she bowed her head when Jungkook finally reached their table. 

"I'm happy you two are still together." Yoo Jung stated with a huge smile on her face.
Jungkook awkwardly smiled at the two before he sat next to Taehyung.
"Have you eaten, Mr. Jeon?" Tzuyu asked.
Jungkook looked at the girl, confused, before he nodded.
"I think I saw them before. Make sense; they are our witnesses." Jungkook thought to himself.
"So no kisses for hubby?" Yoo Jung asked.
"Actually, there's something we want to tell you." Taehyung said. Jungkook just let him do whatever the others wanted, as long as they were able to fix the mess they made. 

Tzuyu and Yoo Jung looked at them, curious about what Taehyung was about to say, noticing the couple in front of them seemed to be serious about something. 
"Are you guys having problems?" Tzuyu asked, and Taehyung just awkwardly smiled. 
"I've got something to say, this is very confidential. Only the two of us and my best friend knew about it, so I'm hoping that you also keep it a secret until we fix the situation." Taehyung said, and the two girls felt worried about what they were about to hear.
"And I'm so sorry for only contacting you now because of the situation we two signed up for." Taehyung added as he hung his head low. 
Tzuyu and Yoo Jung flashed a faint smile, but the two were ready to listen and help them in any way they could. 

"So Jungkook and I were married. As you two already know.. uhmm.. I.. W-we.. uhm." Taehyung doesn't know how to put it into words, so Jungkook sighed, helped him, and took over.
"The wedding held three years ago was a mistake. I have a long-time girlfriend, and Taehyung has a fiancé now. We both didn't know that we were actually married until Taehyung had to process the papers they'd need for their wedding." Jungkook explained, causing the two girls to gape at the revelation. Neither of them wanted to talk; instead, they waited for Taehyung or Jungkook to start talking again.

"Seriously speaking, both of us don't remember how we ended up being married for three years now. Taehyung and I separately went to the chapel where we got married, and the priest confirmed that we indeed went there three years ago. However, the two of us till now don't know and cannot recall how it started because, as far as we remember, we haven't met each other before, until I met his brother a few days ago and had dinner with them at their house." Jungkook added.
The two girls now know exactly what Taehyung and Jungkook want from them. They are not mad, though, in fact, they are happy and willing to help.
"I'm sorry if I only reached out now to ask something about the problem we are facing." Taehyung said, embarrassed, but the two girls just smiled at him.

"It's okay, Tae. I'm happy that you still remember us though." Yoo Jung said as Tzuyu nodded in agreement.
"So, as per you, you don't remember anything that happened that night? And you wanted us to tell you what exactly happened, right?" Tzuyu asked politely.
"If it's okay with you." Taehyung responded, to which the other smiled in return.
"Of course it's okay. Anyway, to start with, I believe you still remember how we sneaked out of the hotel where we're staying before?" Yoo Jung asked, and Taehyung nodded his head with a giggle.
"So we went to Dionysus Club and started to drink. Although you already mentioned that you have a low tolerance for alcohol, we still kind of convinced you to enjoy the night, which you actually did." Tzuyu continued as Taehyung and Jungkook just listened to them.

"Then hours had passed, and me and Tzuyu were both a bit drunk while you? were already drunk as fuck. Then Tzuyu and I decided to dance and left you for a couple of minutes for you to rest." Yoo Jung smiled, apologetic.
"Then, after a couple of minutes, we head back to our table only to find you with him." Tzuyu stopped talking as she looked at Jungkook.
"Once we reached the table, the first thing we heard from you two was, 'accompany us. We're getting married'." Tzuyu added, remembering everything as if it just happened yesterday.
"You also mentioned that you two have been dating for like 2 years already. And if I'm being honest here, I saw how your eyes twinkle just by looking at each other. So who are we to restrain your happiness?" Yoo Jung stated, and Tzuyu nodded in agreement.

"And so we agreed to be your witnesses on your wedding. At first we were having a hard time looking for a chapel, but then Jungkook said that he knows a place where you two can get married. So we went there, and the priest actually knows Mr. Jeon, so we were able to push through the wedding even though it's already late at night. After that, we went on our separate ways since we thought the two of you would be going on a... honeymoon." Tzuyu ended the story. 
"But you mentioned that you have a long-time girlfriend, right?" Yoo Jung asked, causing Jungkook to nod.
"We're going 7 years this year." Jungkook replied. 
"So if you have a girlfriend at that time, obviously it's not Taehyung since you've mentioned 'GIRLfriend' and according to you, you haven't met each other until a few days ago, right? Well, technically, you already did, but just can't remember." Tzuyu added.
The two boys just nod and don't know exactly where Tzuyu is going with this conversation.

"Then if there's someone who knows how it all started, it will be just the two of you." Tzuyu stated in all honesty. 

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked. 
"Because, as we mentioned, we left Taehyung at our table for him to rest. However, upon going back, we found him with you. So whatever conversation you had three years ago, it's just the two of you who can answer how it started—how we all ended up going to that church for your marriage when it was just your first time seeing each other that time."


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