22. Show

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(A/N: As I've mentioned, I don't really know how they process divorce and the grounds, terms, and all. So let's just pretend that we have our own law in this book! hmm kay? Don't say, 'That's not how it works.' I've already warned you about this book's own law. Thank you very much.  😏😉)

Taehyung entered the restaurant where he and Yeonjun would meet. The two decided to meet earlier to talk about the case before they meet Jungkook and his attorney at the same restaurant where he booked a private room for them.
Taehyung entered the private room and was welcomed by Yeonjun, who's already seated on the chair. The attorney stood up immediately as he extended his hand for a handshake. 
"Mr. Kim, it's nice meeting you." Yeonjun said.
"Like wise. Thank you for coming today, Mr. Choi." Taehyung responded as he took the handshake before retreaving his hand and sitting across from the attorney. 
"So, Mr. Park already mentioned your case." Yeonjun stated, causing Taehyung to nod and tell him everything from what happened three years ago to the people he was able to talk about that night. 

"So, to make a long story short, you and Mr. Jeon are both drunk, and both were not in their right minds when you decided to get married. However, until now, you still don't remember how it started, am I right?" Yeonjun asked. 
"Yes. And both of us agreed to file for divorce." Taehyung answered. 
"Did you already talk about the grounds or the reason for the divorce? Because, Mr. Kim, if I'm being honest, the court will not accept if you just tell them that you guys are drunk and not in the right mind that night. And the priest will be questioned as well; there's a possibility that the priest may be in a clerical state." Yeonjun stated.
"No! I don't want anyone involved. We are the ones who made this mistake. We fooled him. I think it's unfair if he got involved in this mess." Taehyung said, feeling guilty.

A few more minutes had passed when the two heard a knock on the door and soon revealed Jungkook and a man who's holding an attachment case, obviously Jungkook's lawyer.
Taehyung and Yeonjun stood up and extended their hands for a handshake, which Jungkook and his lawyer gladly took. Taehyung immediately sat next to his lawyer, Jungkook, and his lawyer sat side by side across Taehyung and Yeonjun. The two lawyers introduced themselves and learned a little bit about each other.
"I think we should order food first." Jungkook suggested 
"I already ordered, and they will serve it anytime soon. But if you want something to add, just let the attending waiter know, as well as to you, Mr. Yeonjun and Mr. Beomgyu." Taehyung said as he smiled beautifully. 
"Anything would do, Mr. Kim." Beomgyu responded.

Before they even started with the main reason why they were gathered in a private room, a knock on the door was heard, and two waitresses entered the room with a food trolley ready to serve their meal.
"Have you eaten lunch yet? Because I kind of ordered a lot of foods." Taehyung said with a blushing face.
"I haven't had it. Thanks." Jungkook answered.
The waitress carefully placed the food on the table. The other waitress was serving their meal with elegance and was well trained, however, the other girl was being all flirty over Jungkook, which of course Taehyung noticed.
Taehyung smirked as he noticed that Jungkook was showing no interest in the flirtatious waitress, which made the girl a little bit annoyed.

After the food was neatly placed on the table, the two waitresses headed out of the room to give them privacy. Taehyung, on the other hand, couldn't help but let out a giggle, which made the three men look at him in confusion.
"What's funny?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung looked at the CEO and the two lawyers, who were looking in his direction as well.
"Oh, ah, uhmm. Nothing." Taehyung stated with a blushing face, embarrassed by his sudden giggle. Jungkook, on the other hand, just bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling.
The four then started eating as they discussed how they would handle the situation without ruining their clients names or involving anyone with what they had done.
"We can actually file a divorce petition, but of course I have to protect Mr. Jeon's name, as you know he's a CEO, and we don't want their company to suffer." Beomgyu said.

"Same with my client. Although he's not the CEO of Kim Corp., he's also a co-owner, and aside from that, he's a model. So let's automatically scratch at fault divorce in this situation." Yeonjun said. 
"I already informed Mr. Jeon why we can't tell the court about them being drunk as the court will not accept it, and aside from that, Mr. Wang will be questioned." Beomgyu stated. 
"So what will be our grounds then?" Taehyung asked. 
Yeonjun and Beomgyu looked at each other before they started talking again.
"Incompatibility." Yeonjun answered. 
"Since it's a no-fault divorce, it's okay if only one of the two of you will file. You don't have to be in a trial, and it's going to be less hassle as well." Beomgyu added, which made Taehyung sighed in relief.

"Less hassle if you are a real couple and live under one roof for at least 1 year and experience how hard it is to live with someone you're not compatible with." Yeonjun stated. 
Taehyung and Jungkook stayed silent for a couple of minutes, as the two were not following what their lawyers were saying.
"What seems to be the problem then??" Jungkook asked.
"A couple should stay under one roof for at least 6 months, and then after that, one can file a divorce petition of incompatibility if that's the case." Beomgyu answered.
"Then let's do this. I don't really have much time." Taehyung commented before sipping on his strawberry shake.

"But that's not it. After filing a divorce petition, the court will be visiting you from time to time. They will investigate if you guys stayed under one roof for at least 6 months. They will check if the house you're staying in is under your names, and they will ask questions to your neighbors and even maids about the two of you as a couple. It's also their way for the period of reconciliation," Yeonjun added.
"Let's do this then. We can just hire someone to be our maid." Taehyung said.
"Mr. Kim, as I have mentioned, they will check if you bought the house, they will ask not just the maids but also your neighbors." Yeonjun stated.
"Money can't buy everything, Mr. Kim. And if they find out that you paid someone, it will be another issue, and not just that, it's also a risk for me and Yeonjun." Beomgyu said.

"So what should we do now? Something that won't involve anyone?" Jungkook asked, a bit hopeless.
"Buy a property with Mr. Kim as the co-owner." Yeonjun said.
"Hire a maid or driver, but don't make them lie." Beomgyu added.
"And live under one roof for six months and put on drama show." Yeonjun and Beomgyu stated in unison.

" Yeonjun and Beomgyu stated in unison

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All hail to the kings!
Yeay! Congratulations BTS and
of course we did it ARMY! 💜

All hail to the kings! Yeay! Congratulations BTS andof course we did it ARMY! 💜

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