26. Health conscious

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The next day, Taehyung and Jungkook met at Purple Cafe. Taehyung didn't bring his car with him, he just asked his driver to drop him off at the cafe, and he would just massage him if he needed to be picked up.
The two decided to go to the house they will be visiting using one car, as it's all part of the plan. They need to act as if they are a lovey-dovey couple who wants to buy a house where they can build a happy family. They had to act in front of the broker so they wouldn't look suspicious.

Taehyung went inside the purple cafe, only to find that Jungkook was already there. The younger man looked at his watch, and it was just 12:45 p.m. They agreed on meeting at the cafe around 1 PM, however, Taehyung wanted to arrive there 15 minutes before the agreed time because he wanted to have some peaceful alone time while drinking his favorite iced coffee, double cream. But it seems like he can't do that since Jungkook was already there.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards Jungkook, who didn't seem to notice that Taehyung had already arrived at the cafe. 
"Mr. Jeon, you're early." Taehyung said, making Jungkook fully turn his attention to him.
"I could say the same to you. Have a seat." Jungkook said. Taehyung carefully pulled the chair away, giving the CEO enough space so he could sit comfortably. 
"Did you already have lunch?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook just shook his head in response. 

"Have you ordered already?" Taehyung inquired.

"Just an iced Americano." Jungkook responded, finally locking his phone and placing it in his pants side pocket.

"You didn't eat anything and just ordered an iced Americano? Are you trying to get sick or something?" Taehyung inquired, prompting Jungkook to shake his head.

Taehyung is not a fan of skipping meals. It's actually something he unconsciously had as he took care of his fiancé. Bogum often skipped meals because of his busy schedule. Jungkook, on the other hand, was the same as Bogum. Because of his loaded schedule, he often skipped meals. A habit he unintentionally acquired. 
"You should eat first. I'll order food for you." Taehyung said, unconscious of his actions.

Taehyung pressed the small button attached to their tables, and a waiter went beside him almost immediately, holding two menus for them. The waiter hands Jungkook the first menu, then hands the other one to Taehyung.
The man was looking at Taehyung throughout the time, his eyes scanning his beautiful face down to his perfect body, which Jungkook noticed. Taehyung, on the other hand, was busy scanning the menu and unaware of the man's malicious stare towards him.

"Which is the house specialty when it comes to pasta?" Taehyung asked.
The waiter leaned closer to Taehyung, the younger felt that the waiter was leaning so close to his face, and he's uncomfortable with it.
"Uhmm. Excuse me. You're invading my personal space." Taehyung said, making Jungkook smirk, which the waiter, of course, saw. 
"I'm sorry. I'm just so eager to assist you." the waiter said. Although he's not lying, it's for a reason: to flirt with the beautiful doll in front of him.

"It's okay. I think I'll just have chicken linguini and iced coffee double cream, please." Taehyung stated. 
"How about you, Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook was a bit surprised because he hadn't even scanned the menu. He was busy observing the interaction in front of him, which satisfied him with how Taehyung handled the waiter who was trying to flirt with him.

"Taehyung, didn't we agree to call each other by our first names?" Jungkook asked, making the other smile before he nodded. 
"And as for the food, I'm actually used to skipping meals, especially lunch," Jungkook added, making Taehyung roll his eyes. 
"Are you allergic to any meat?" Taehyung asked, making the CEO shake his head.

"Good. One beef stroganoff and one rice. Thank you." Taehyung said before he closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter. Jungkook did the same; for some reason, he doesn't know why he can't resist the boy that's sitting across him. 
"You already skipped the most important meal of the day, and now you wanted nothing but coffee? It's a no-no. Not on my watch." Taehyung said after the waiter left them. 

Taehyung became health-conscious because of his fiancé's continued skipping of meals, and at that moment, it was obviously kicking in. He's unconsciously taking care of the CEO without him even noticing it.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was not used to being controlled when it came to his eating habits. Why not? His girlfriend doesn't really care about him skipping meals, drinking coffee with an empty stomach, or eating just ramen because it's less of a hassle to cook. So Taehyung commanding him to eat was so new to him—new in a good way. 

Jungkook's iced Americano arrived first. But Taehyung didn't let Jungkook drink his coffee until he ate something. The CEO doesn't know why, but there's something about the Taehyung and him being health conscious that made Jungkook follow whatever the younger was asking him.
A few more minutes, and their food was served. The two started eating in silence. Taehyung was so happy to see the CEO eat rice. He seems to be a heavy eater, it's just that he tends to skip meals because of how busy he is, just like his fiancé. Jungkook, on the other hand, didn't know that he was starving until he took a bite of his food, he even asked the waiter to give him another cup of rice, which made the younger smile at him.

"See, you're eating well, Jungkook. You shouldn't skip meals, especially breakfast." Taehyung said, showing his boxy smile, which made Jungkook return the smile, exposing his bunny teeth.
"Cute." Taehyung murmured.
"I'm sorry??" Jungkook asked, as he hadn't heard what Taehyung said.
"N-nothing," Taehyung responded, stuttering, making him blush in embarrassment. He internally cursed because what if Jungkook heard him? He didn't even notice that he said that a bit louder.

A few more minutes had passed when the two finished their meal, and finally Jungkook was able to drink the iced Americano he ordered. Taehyung was the one to pay for their food; of course, Jungkook didn't agree at first, but Taehyung insisted. He mentioned that since he's the one who forced Jungkook to eat, he should pay for his meal. After a few more discussions, Jungkook finally agreed that Taehyung would be the one to pay for their meal.
"Let's go. The broker is already waiting for us." Taehyung said with a satisfied smile.


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Hello 12k reads.

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This Jungkook! I'm so happy he was able to showhis tattoo

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This Jungkook! I'm so happy he was able to show
his tattoo. 💜  It's so beautiful! I also have tattoos. Moon, aries constellation  and 'shine dream smile'. I'm just happy that Jungkook was able to flaunt his body art.

Our babies had fun! I'm happy seeing them this free

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Our babies had fun! I'm happy seeing
them this free. 💜💜💜💜

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