24. Cheating

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The next day, Taehyung decided to stay at home in the morning to think of an excuse for his six months away from his brother and fiancé while also looking for a house where he and Jungkook could stay. He also plans to visit his fiancé in the afternoon.
Taehyung was seated on top of his bed, browsing on his laptop for a possible house ocular for tomorrow with Jungkook. While scanning the web, an email pops out on his screen. Taehyung immediately opened the email from a clothing brand reminding him of his scheduled photo shoot.
Taehyung's eyes widen as he almost forgets about his scheduled photoshoot for the entire year. He then checked all his scheduled photo shoots on the calendar on his laptop. A sad smile formed on his lips as he stared at his full plate photoshoot schedule for the entire year.

"I guess I just have to use this as an excuse then." Taehyung said as he stared at his laptop, feeling guilty once again.
Taehyung then laid flat on his bed, facing the white ceiling of his room. He stayed laying for a couple of minutes, thinking nothing but the mess he's going through and the consequences of the things he will do just to make everything right.
He wanted to forget everything as he tried to take a nap. He closed his eyes, turning and looking for a comfortable position, but his thoughts were too loud for him to get some sleep. 
"This won't work." Taehyung stated as he sat up and sighed. He then decided to just cook lunch for his fiancé and deliver it on his own.

He headed to the kitchen, connected his phone through the speaker, and played another BTS song as he started preparing the ingredients.
After preparing the ingredients he needed, he started to cook chicken Alfredo lasagna rolls while singing along to Mikrokosmos, a song by his favorite boy band, which he truly admires for their hard work and positivity, even though some people are trying their hardest to bring them down. 
It took Taehyung an hour and a half to finish his dish, even though it's a bit tiring, but to him, it's all worth it since the food was for his fiancé.
With a smile on his face, Taehyung went back to his room to take a bath and change his clothes into something comfortable yet presentable. 

Once done and satisfied with his look, Taehyung headed back to the kitchen, grabbed the food he had packed, and went to his car. He messaged Bogum first before he headed out of the mansion. 
After half an hour of driving, Taehyung finally arrived at his fiancé's office. He stayed seated inside his car in the parking lot and stared at the food he had prepared as his conscience started bugging him again. 
Taehyung sighed as he leaned against the stirring wheel, tears threatening to fall from his face.
"I'm so sorry, babe," Taehyung whispered with trembling lips as he tried not to shed a tear because he knew that Bogum would notice that he cried.
Taehyung was so lost in his thoughts when his phone started ringing. He checked the screen in his car to see who was calling. He sighed again as he composed himself before answering the call through the car speaker. 

"Hi, babe. Are you busy?" Taehyung asked. 
"Not really. I've been waiting for you. I miss you, babe." Bogum answered, making Taehyung giggle. 
"I'm already at the parking lot, soon to be husband." Taehyung said. A faint smile formed on his lips. 
"I like it when you call me that, babe." Bogum said as the two giggled. 
"Come here already. I really need your hugs and kisses." Bogum added, which made Taehyung smile.
"Hugs and kisses are coming right away, sir." 
"I'll see you in a bit then. I love you." Bogum said. 
"See you in a few. I love you too." Taehyung answered, waiting for Bogum to end the call before he fixed himself and headed directly to his fiancé's office.

Taehyung didn't bother to knock; instead, he entered the office right away, making Bogum smile after seeing his precious fiancé. 
Bogum stood up and approached his fiancé to give him butterfly kisses all over his face, which made Taehyung giggle.
"My beautiful baby." Bogum said as he continued to pepper Taehyung's face. 
Taehyung snaked his arms around Bogum, pulling him closer.
"Did you miss me that much? We just saw each other yesterday." Taehyung said. Bogum finally stopped kissing Taehyung; instead, he stood next to him as he carried the food Taehyung had prepared. His other arm snaked around Taehyung's waist, leading him to his swivel chair. 

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