30. Pampered

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The next day, Taehyung woke up early in the morning. The room was still dark because of the blocked-out curtains, although the analog clock on the nightstand stated it was already 7 in the morning.
Taehyung stretched his arms and legs in the spacious bed; he then stared at the ceiling of the room. He's eyes widen when he realizes that the room where he slept is not the room he was supposed to sleep in every night.
"Oh my god. Did we sleep in the same bed? Oh no no!" Taehyung mumbled as he looked beside him to find nothing but pillows. He stood up, fixed the bed, and made his way to the ensuite, only to find it empty as well.

He freshened up before changing his clothes and making his way downstairs to find Jungkook. He went to the living room first, and as he expected, Jungkook was not there. He then decided to check the kitchen and only found Mela preparing their breakfast.
"Good morning, Mr. Taehyung. How's your first night?" Mela asked with a smile on her face.
"It's okay. I had a peaceful sleep." Taehyung responded, reciprocating the beautiful smile for the girl.
"That's good to hear, Mr. Taehyung. I'm still preparing for your breakfast; you can wait in the dining room." Mela said.
"Actually, I'm looking for Jungkook. Did you see him?" Taehyung asked as he opened the fridge and grabbed some strawberry milk.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Taehyung, I didn't see your husband yet. Maybe he's roaming around the house," she answered as she continued her cooking.
"I see. I'll be back. I'll just have to look for him so we can have breakfast together," Taehyung said before he headed out of the kitchen and went to check on Jungkook in the gym, theater room, and game room, but he wasn't there. He went out to the pool area, but he still wasn't able to find Jungkook.
"Where is he? Did he go to work already?" Taehyung thought to himself.
He decided to check Jungkook's office upstairs to find it empty before he decided to go back to the master bedroom.

Taehyung opened the door to the master bedroom and walked inside, making sure to close the door. As soon as he faced the room, he saw the man he'd been looking at just go out of the bathroom half naked with a piece of towel wrapped around his waist, covering his private part. Water dripped from his wet hair down to his naked chest.
"Oh my god!" Taehyung said, almost dropping the strawberry milk he was holding and turning around with his face as red as tomatoes.
"Sorry. I thought you were already downstairs." Jungkook said before he walked inside their walk-in closet to wear something decent.

"You can now look. I'm already at the walk-in closet." Jungkook yelled before he closed the door.
"I thought you already went to the office." Taehyung said, sitting on the bed.
After a few minutes, Jungkook went out of the spacious closet wearing black sweat pants and a plain white shirt. Taehyung blinks his eyes a couple of times as he finds Jungkook hot wearing those clothes.
"I don't have to go to work for a week. Beomgyu suggested that I take a leave for one week and spend time with you." Jungkook answered. 

It's true that his lawyer suggested taking a leave of absence for a week to spend time with Taehyung as part of their act. But of course Jungkook didn't file a leave, instead, he said that he had to go overseas for their business and asked Yoongi to take over for a week, which his older brother didn't have a say in because Jungkook blackmailed him to tell his girlfriend his secret about the guy he was secretly dating. Although Jungkook would never do that, it's not his secret in the first place, and he would rather Yoongi fix his shit than interfere with his brother's life.
"I see." Taehyung responded. 
"Oh, and I'm sorry for, uh, sleeping here last night. You should've woke me up." Taehyung added.

"It's okay. How can I wake you up when you welcomed me with a peaceful slumber? I'm not that evil, Tae." Jungkook answered as he combed his still-wet hair.
"Sorry. Can I ask you a question?" Taehyung said as their eyes met in the mirror.
"Uhmm. Did we sleep in the same bed?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook turned to look back at him with a smile on his face.
"No, Tae. I slept in the other room. I told you, you can just sleep here, and I'll be the one to sleep next door." Jungkook answered, making Taehyung sigh in relief.
"No, it's okay. I was just so tired last night that I've fallen asleep here." Taehyung said, looking at Jungkook, who's still fixing his wet hair as he didn't dry it with his towel.

"It's okay, Tae. Really. Don't make it a big deal." Jungkook stated, smiling back at Taehyung through his reflection in the mirror.
Taehyung smiled back and stared at Jungkook's wet hair with a disturbing look on his face. 
"You didn't dry your hair?" Taehyung asked.
"I did try to dry it with a towel, but it's still wet." Jungkook answered as he put the comb down on the table.
"Let's go have breakfast." Jungkook added, turning to face Taehyung. 
"You will go downstairs with your hair still wet?" Taehyung asked, making Jungkook nod his head. 

"I have a blower on my vanity table, you can use it." Taehyung said. He really doesn't like seeing other people head out of their rooms without drying their hair. For him, it looks a bit off, especially when socializing with other people with their hair still wet.
"I don't know how to use it." Jungkook answered in all honesty. Well, Taehyung can't blame the CEO, he was so busy with work that instead of drying his hair every day, he just used the time to get more sleep. No one was bothered by his wet hair anyway, not even his own girlfriend.
Taehyung rolled his eyes once again before he stood up from the bed and held Jungkook's hand, pulling him back to their shared walk-in closet towards his vanity table.

"Sit there and don't move." Taehyung commanded as he picked up his blower and prepared for its use.
Jungkook flinched when he heard the sound of a blower, making Taehyung giggle. The younger man then started drying Jungkook's hair with his blower and his own hair brush. A small smile formed on Jungkook's lips as he watched Taehyung dry his hair in the mirror. He doesn't know that it's quite good to be pampered.
After a few more minutes, Taehyung finished drying and fixing Jungkook's hair. A satisfied smile pops on Taehyung's face as he looks at Jungkook through the mirror.
"There you go. You look even more presentable." Taehyung said, showing his boxy smile as his eyes went crescent from smiling.

"Really adorable." Jungkook thought to himself.
"Shall we head downstairs then?" Jungkook asked as he stood up from the chair facing Taehyung.
"Let's go have breakfast." Taehyung said as the two started to walk outside the walk-in closet. 
"You go have breakfast. I'll go to the gym. I don't usually eat breakfast." Jungkook stated, forgetting that the other is health-conscious. Taehyung stopped walking and turned to face Jungkook. 
"No, you won't skip the most important meal of the day. Not on my watch, Jeon," Taehyung stated with an angry face. Jungkook gulped at how scary Taehyung was. Just a few minutes ago, he was looking all cute and sweet, but now he's looking like an angry tiger, ready to attack the CEO.

"Of course. Breakfast first." Jungkook answered, trying not to stutter, but his self-confidence betrayed him.
"Good." Taehyung said with a sweet smile on his face, as if he weren't being scary just a few seconds ago. 

The younger then turned his back once again to lead the way to the dining room. Jungkook, on the other hand, was smiling as he thought of what just happened a while ago. No one dared to question his eating habit, and no one ever dried and fixed his hair. Everything was new to him; it felt weird, but in a good way. He didn't know that it felt good to have someone look after you; sure, Jennie was taking care of him. But she never really had a say when Jungkook skipped his breakfast or wasn't able to eat his lunch and dinner on time. She never dried Jungkook's hair, but she always made sure she looked presentable at all times. For Jungkook, it's good when someone's taking care of you and not just him always taking care of the other person.
The two then sat on the dining table; Jungkook was seated in the center, while Taehyung sat beside him. Mela and Kitty started serving their meals.

"Have you had your breakfast?" Taehyung asked the two girls. 
"Yes, we did, Mr. Taehyung," Mela answered with a smile on her face, and Taehyung just nodded his head.
After they finished serving, the two headed back to the kitchen. Taehyung and Jungkook started having their breakfast in silence. Jungkook felt like he needed to say something; he knew that the maids were just at the kitchen, and they could hear if the two were talking or not. Jungkook decided to start a conversation for the sake of their acting.
"I'll be in my office until the afternoon, love. What would you like to do afterwards?" Jungkook asked, winking at Taehyung. The other was a bit taken aback but eventually realized what Jungkook did.

"I want to play. Let's go to the play room, love." Taehyung answered, emphasizing the word love.
The two then continue eating while having a conversation, calling each other love from time to time. They spend their breakfast laughing and teasing each other, not even realizing that they haven't messaged their own partners yet. 


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