2. Possessive

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Jungkook woke up early in the morning to prepare for another stressful workday. Being the CEO of a large corporation is extremely demanding, especially when both of his older brothers do not want to manage their family business.
Jungkook arrived at work with an empty stomach, as he always did. For him, time is so valuable that he refuses to waste it, even for breakfast.

Hours had passed when Jungkook finally arrived at Jeon Tech. He wasted no time and went head to his office and started to read, review, and sign tons of documents that were neatly laid out on his table. 

It was midday when Jungkook heard a knock on the door, which made him groan in annoyance because he didn't want to be interrupted at that time.

"Come in," Jungkook whispered in a low, chilly tone. He sighed and poked his inner cheek as he saw his uninvited guests.

"Brotheeeeeer!" Hoseok exclaimed with a beautiful smile on his face. Something that can brighten anyone's day just by seeing his sincere smile.

"What do you want? I have a lot of paperwork to do," Jungkook said sharply.

"What's up with the cold treatment?" Yoongi questioned as the two relaxed comfortably on the large black leather couch.

"I only learn from you, Hyung." Jungkook snapped as he stood up to join the two and sat on the single couch across them.
"You don't have to learn that kind of attitude." Yoongi responded as he took out his phone. 
"Why don't you bother your girlfriends instead?" Jungkook asked. 

"Suran is busy. She's recording a new song," Yoongi answered, not even looking at Jungkook as he's busy messaging his girlfriend.

"Momo is busy as well. She has a schedule today," Hoseok said, smiling. 

"So you decided to bother me even though you know that I also have tons of paperwork to do and meetings to attend? Damn it!"

"What did you just say?" Yoongi said, finally looking at his brother.

"Damn it." Jungkook remarked.

"Okay." Yoongi responded, returning his focus to his phone.

"Seriously, Hyung, I have a lot to do today. What brings you here?" Jungkook questioned as he sank back in his swivel chair.

"We have a party to attend tonight. Every CEO of successful companies in Korea will be going there as well." Hoseok said.
"You can go there if you want, anyway, this company belongs to both of you as well." Jungkook answered as he began to read another file. 
"Dad asked us to attend—the three of us, not just me and Yoongi Hyung." Hobi stated.

Jungkook simply rolled his eyes and sighed, because he knew that once his father decides something, it is already decided.

"Fine. Now get lost." 

"Don't forget 8 p.m. tonight." Yoongi added as the two stood up and said their goodbyes before leaving Jungkook's office.

Jungkook then returned to his paperwork, but, after only a few minutes, he heard another knock on the door. He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, irritated.

"Who is it this time?" Jungkook asked himself before saying,

"Come in."

Jungkook's eyes widen, and a brilliant smile appears on his lips as he sees the person who has entered the room.
"Babe!" Jungkook exclaimed as he pushed his chair back so the person could easily sit on his lap.
"Did you miss me?" Jennie, Jungkook's girlfriend, asked.

The girl sat on the CEO's lap before exchanging passionate kisses. After a few minutes of heated kissing, the two pulled away.
"When did you arrive? Why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook asked as he stroked Jennie's side.
"I wanted to surprise you, babe." Jennie explained as she snuggled closer to Jungkook.

"Well, I really need this surprise right now." Jungkook explained as he began kissing Jennie's neck.

The girl cocked her head to the side, allowing her boyfriend better access as she moaned with pleasure.

"Babe, hmm, b-bedroom." Jennie whispered. Jungkook was about to stand up when a knock on the door was heard.

"Fuck!!" Jungkook muttered, and Jennie rolled her eyes in frustration.
"Come in." Jungkooke said as his secretary entered the room. Jennie lifted her eyebrow, causing the girl to shudder.
"M-mr. Jeon, y-your meeting will start in 5 minutes."
"Noted. Now go away," Jennie murmured, looking at the girl as if she wanted to murder her.

The girl instantly bowed before storming out of the room.

"What a flirt!" Jennie murmured, drawing closer to her boyfriend.

Jungkook poked his inner cheek because he saw no signs of his secretary flirting with him. To be honest, Jungkook likes his new secretary—but not romantically. He likes Jisoo's professionalism. Unlike almost all of his previous secretaries who attempted to flirt with him, Jisoo maintains a distance from Jungkook because she does not want Jennie to misinterpret her actions and fire her. That's what Jennie keeps doing, if she believes you're flirting with her guy, she'll do anything to have you fired from the company. Jungkook dislikes that attitude of his girlfriend; he tried to talk to her about it, but Jennie would just get mad at him.

"You don't have to be so mean, babe. She's not doing anything. For Pete's sake, if you try to kick her again, the next secretary will be the 8th for this year, and the year just started." Jungkook stated as he straightened his suit, preparing for the meeting.

"What? It's already March, babe." Jennie exclaimed.

"Doesn't make sense." Jungkook said

"I have to go. I'll pick you up tonight at 7. We have a party to attend." Jungkook said as he pecked Jennie's lips and headed out to the board room. 


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