33. Horror movie

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Days had passed, and it was the last night of Jungkook's leave from the office. The next day, Jungkook will have to go back to a stressful day.
As the days passed, Jungkook and Taehyung grew closer to each other. They become so comfortable that even skin shipping does not bother them. It started when the two decided to have a night dip. Taehyung doesn't know how to swim, so Jungkook taught Taehyung how to swim. The whole night, they were just teasing each other, laughing genuinely as if they knew each other for a long time.
There was also a day when Taehyung taught Jungkook how to paint, but the younger boy whined when he realized that Jungkook knew how to paint, and truth be told, the older was even better than him.

There's also a day that the two decided to cook together. Of course, Taehyung, being the best cook, didn't let Jungkook ruin his recipe, so the younger person just asked Jungkook to assist him by handing him the ingredients he would need.
They basically enjoyed each other's company, and Jungkook started to feel something about the younger. He found himself comparing Taehyung to his long-term girlfriend. Sometimes he found himself staring at Taehyung. But he shrugged it all off, as he knew that Taehyung was indeed engaged to someone else. There had even come a point where he wished not to end their marriage. But who is he kidding? That's the main reason why they are living under the same roof as a lovey-dovey couple in the first place.

Indeed, the two became really close to each other, but some things never change, like how Taehyung always called or messaged his fiancé; Jungkook also did the same to his girlfriend; and how Taehyung continued to sleep in the other room at night, although sometimes it's the other way around, especially when Taehyung fell asleep in the master bedroom and Jungkook would be the one to transfer to the spare room to sleep. 
It was 8 in the evening, and the two had just finished having their dinner. They already made a plan to have a movie marathon after dinner.
Jungkook heads to the movie theater, first waiting for Taehyung, who took a bath, before following Jungkook into the movie room. Once Taehyung arrived in the room, he saw Jungkook already looking for a movie they would watch. 

"What do you want to watch?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung sat beside him. 
"Anything except horror." Taehyung answered, looking at the different movies in front of him through the huge screen. 
"Well said." Jungkook responded, making Taehyung look at him in disbelief.
"What?" Jungkook asked, looking back at Taehyung before he stared at the screen again.
"Are you scared of horror movies too?" Taehyung asked, giggling. 
"I'm not. I just don't like it." Jungkook said, his eyes so focused on the screen that he didn't notice Taehyung's evil smirking.
However, Taehyung didn't know that Jungkook was not lying, he's not afraid of those scary ghosts; he just doesn't like the feeling of being startled.

"Let's watch Conjuring 2." Taehyung said, making Jungkook snap his head back to Taehyung, his eyes widening.
"I thought you didn't like horror movies." Jungkook asked.
Unlike Jungkook, Taehyung's really afraid of ghosts. He can imagine their faces even in his sleep. 
"It's okay. Go on. Search for conjuring 2." Taehyung said proudly. He doesn't know why, but he felt like teasing Jungkook since he thought that the older man was really afraid of ghosts. 
"Okay then." Jungkook stated as he played the movie in a dark room, with lights only coming from the huge screen in front of them.
As the movie continued to play, Taehyung was getting closer to Jungkook, closing the space between them. That's when Taehyung realized that Jungkook indeed doesn't fear ghosts. Although he flinches every time there's a sudden shout from the characters, aside from that, the older man doesn't show any fear on his face. 

Jungkook felt Taehyung getting closer to him. A small smile formed on his lips as he felt the younger's warmth. But the next thing that happened surprised him, which made his heart beat faster and his face heat up. 
Taehyung was focused on the movie, following the walking shadow on the wall going to the painted image of a nun until it reached the image and the shadow was suddenly gone. He's getting nervous when a hand pops out of the frame until the painting moves towards the girl character in the movie, but the camera is focused on the scary face of the nun. Out of fear and nervousness, Taehyung immediately jumped on top of Jungkook, straddling the older as he buried his face on Jungkook's neck, still shouting in shock and in fear.
Jungkook was frozen by what happened, he was blushing, but thanks to the darkness that filled the room, he could hide his blushing face. 

"I don't want to watch anymore." Taehyung said, sobbing. Jungkook immediately pressed the home button so Taehyung wouldn't have to hear another scream from the movie. 
"Shhh. It's okay, bub. I'm here." Jungkook said as he rubbed comforting circles on Taehyung's back, his other hand wrapped around Taehyung's waist. 
Taehyung continued to cry, his face still buried in Jungkook's neck. The older let the younger  cry and waited for him to calm himself. A few more minutes had passed when Jungkook noticed that Taehyung had finally stopped crying, however, the younger's sobbing turned to soft snoring. Jungkook pecked Taehyung's head, a gesture he unconsciously made as if his body were reacting to something he's used to.
They stayed in the same position for a few more minutes, as Jungkook was enjoying the warmth he'd received from the sleeping boy on top of his lap. It was 9:30 in the evening when Jungkook decided to put Taehyung in bed.

Jungkook stood up, carrying Taehyung like a baby koala, as the younger automatically snaked his arms and legs around Jungkook in his sleep.
Jungkook was happy, he didn't know why, but for him, that moment was so intimate, a feeling he never felt with Jennie. Sure, he always carries his girlfriend like that, but only if they are having sex. Jennie was possessive towards Jungkook, but she never wanted to have such an intimate moment aside from cuddling after sex. 
Jungkook walks through the hallway towards their main living room. His hand was placed on Taehyung's back, and his arm was placed under the younger's bum, though it's nothing sexual but supporting Taehyung's body as he carries him to the room. 
Jungkook saw Mela and Kitty in the main living room of their house. Jungkook then smiled at Mela, who was looking at them with fond eyes, while he gave a satisfying smirk towards Kitty, who was eyeing them with nothing but annoyance. 

When they arrived at the master bedroom, Jungkook tried to lay Taehyung on the bed; however, the sleeping boy didn't want to let go of the older man. Every time he tried to remove Taehyung from his body, he would just cry in his sleep. Jungkook tried a few more times to lay Taehyung on the bed, but the younger kept crying and mumbling things like 'I don't want to watch anymore' or 'Don't go near me'. The boy even mumbled a prayer in his sleep. Jungkook sighed, and he decided to just sleep next to the frightened boy. 

Jungkook laid the two of them on the bed. Taehyung relaxed his body as he found a comfortable position, snuggling close to Jungkook. The younger smiled in his sleep as he whispered another word, making Jungkook smile like an idiot. 

"You can't go near me. See, I have a muscle bunny protecting me." 
"Muscle bunny, huh?" Jungkook whispered as if Taehyung would hear him.
"I won't allow you to watch horror movies anymore." Jungkook added before he pecked Taehyung's forehead.

It only took the CEO a few minutes before he fell into a deep slumber, holding Taehyung close to him and making sure the younger felt safe.


Sorry for not updating. I had a fever
because of the vaccine shot but I'm
feeling better now.

What do you think will be Taehyung's
reaction the next day? Hmm 🤔
Hope you like this chapter. 😊

See you next update.

ILY thank you 23K reads 💜

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