21. Dessert

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The next day, Taehyung woke up alone in his bed. A sad smile formed on his lips as he already missed the warmth from his fiancé. Although Bogum is indeed not the type to cuddle, since Taehyung loves cuddling, he's doing his best to give Taehyung cuddles every time they have a chance.
Taehyung stretched his arms and checked the time on the digital led clock on the side table, and it says it's already 10:45 in the morning. He immediately picked up his phone from the table, and when he unlocked it, Bogum had already messaged him, which made him smile before composing a reply. 

Taehyung didn't respond back, as he didn't want to lie again

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Taehyung didn't respond back, as he didn't want to lie again. His guilt is already eating him alive, but he just can't tell Bogum what's happening, not when he can't still remember how he ended up marrying someone else. He sighed before he stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He then went downstairs to the kitchen to cook something for his fiancé.
He didn't tell Bogum that he would pay him a visit and bring food so that they could have lunch together in his office like they used to. It was already his plan last night to surprise his fiancé when he noticed that he was losing weight. He even thought to himself, 'Since when I started neglecting you?' and he felt really bad about it. 

He connected his phone through the speakers, and a song immediately started playing. His hips automatically swayed as he listened to the song. 
"Get it, let it roll! Wow, such a masterpiece!" he sang as he continued to prepare and cook for him and his fiancé's lunch. 
After almost an hour, a contented smile formed on Taehyung's lips as he saw the well-cooked bibimbap, egg rolls, and japchae on the table, ready to be packed.
He let the food cool down a bit and headed back to his room to take a bath and prepare for his day. Half an hour later, he looked in the mirror one last time, ready to face his day.

 Half an hour later, he looked in the mirror one last time, ready to face his day

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He frowns when he forgets to put lip balm on his cupid's bow-shaped lips. He immediately reached for his lip balm, applying it to his lips and sealing it with a muah, and a smile formed back on his well-coated lips.
Once he's satisfied with his look, he grabs his bag, phone, and car keys and goes back to the kitchen to pack the food he cooked. Of course, he didn't forget to bring kimchi as well. How could he when Bogum can't eat without kimchi? He giggled at the thought of his fiancé whining if he found out that he brought delicious Korean foods without kimchi. 
After he settled the food, he grabbed all his things and went to the parking lot. He gently placed his things and the bento box on the passenger seat before getting into the driver's seat. 

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