45. Dinner

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Jin returned to the living room a few minutes later, carrying medicine and a glass of water.

"Time to drink, sneaky brother," Jin said, causing the two to leap from their seats. Jin struggled not to giggle at the two's nervous expressions.

Taehyung took the medicine, and the three followed Namjoon, Bogum, and Jimin to the veranda, where they were already dining.

"What took you so long?" Namjoon inquired.

"I can't find the pain reliever," Jin simply responded, looking at the table where the three were already sitting.

Namjoon sat at the center of the table, with an empty seat on his right side, which is always Jin's spot. There is another seat available right next to Jin's normal place, as well as one on Namjoon's left side. Bogum was seated across from Namjoon on the opposite end of the table, with Jimin on Bogum's right side. Jin was thinking about how he could let Taehyung and Jungkook sit next to each other. It would be impolite to ask Jimin or Bogum to switch seats, so he decided to do it himself. He sat next to Jimin, on his husband's left rather than right side, then invited Taehyung to sit on Namjoon's right side, followed by Jungkook next to his brother.

Jimin was confused; he suspected Jin knew about Taehyung and Jungkook's marriage and was purposefully disrespectful to Bogum. Jimin isn't sure why, but he believes Jin suddenly became anti-Bogum, especially after meeting Jungkook.

"Let's start eating," Jin declared cheerfully.

Taehyung reached for some food and placed it on his plate before taking another and placing it on Jungkook's plate. Bogum, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung were all shocked. Jimin, on the other hand, was used to the scene because that was exactly what Taehyung did when they once visited them at their home. Jin was also taken aback because he didn't expect Taehyung to do so in front of his fiancé.

"Brave Taehyung, we have you here," Jin thought to himself.

"I'm sorry. I'm used to doing it to everyone," Taehyung said.

"It's okay," Jungkook said.

"I hope you don't misunderstand that, though," Jungkook addressed Bogum.

"Well, I hope you're the one who doesn't misunderstand it," Bogum answered, smirking.

They continue devouring meals in silence. It was awkward for those who knew about Jungkook and Taehyung, but thanks to Jin for saving the night.

"I have a question," Jin said, causing everyone to turn to him.

"Ask away, Hyung," Jimin responded.

"What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?" Jin inquired, trying not to chuckle.

"Seriously, Hyung? Another dad joke?" Taehyung said, rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Just respond if you know," Jin said, hoping no one knew the answer.

"I think no one knew," Jungkook stated.

"So what do you call a fish wearing a bowtie, babe?" Namjoon inquired. "

"It's so fishticated," Jin responded, laughing along with Jungkook. Namjoon simply grins, since he finds the joke amusing. Taehyung simply rolls his eyes, as does Jimin, who has become accustomed to their hyung's silly jokes. Bogum, on the other hand, simply looked at Jin with a "what the fuck" expression on his face.

"That's hilarious," Jungkook replied, continuing to laugh.

"You find it funny, though," Taehyung said.

"Because it's funny and corny at the same time," Jungkook said, wiping away tears that had flowed from his eyes due to excessive laughter.

"That was... I don't know what to say," Bogum said.

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