8. White lie

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The next day, Taehyung woke up in Jimin's room without a headache. Why? Because he didn't drink all five cans of beer he requested from Jimin, he did not even finish the second can, as he doesn't want to have a headache since he's determined to know how he ended up being married to someone he hasn't even met. 
Taehyung then borrowed one of Jimin's cars and headed out of the mansion to grab some of his belongings for his trip to Nami Island.

Taehyung arrived at their residence around 9 a.m. Of course, his brother Jin had already left to attend meetings regarding their expansion. Namjoon also left because Yoongi planned to visit his firm that day. Taehyung dashed to his room and packed clothing for two days. He took a shower and prepared for his departure, making sure to bring their marriage certificate.

He was all packed and ready to go; however, he sighed in frustration and sat on his spacious bed, thinking of what excuse he would tell his brother. 

Jin has been Taehyung's legal guardian since his parents died, and despite the fact that Taehyung is of legal age, he always seeks Jin's advice when making life decisions. He admires his older brother and does not want to disappoint him. Although the younger brother occasionally breaks his brother's rules on purpose to annoy him, it's just his way, so he could have a reason to woo him after. He also does this with Bogum, Jimin, and Namjoon.

Taehyung sighed once again. He's not used to telling lies, specifically not to his brother. Sure, he kept things to himself most of the time, but for him, it's better than lying to someone. He doesn't like it; he hates that he has to lie not just to his brother but also to his fiancé. But what can he do? He wanted to solve the problem by himself—a problem he didn't even know was exciting in the first place.

A couple more minutes had passed when he finally gathered all his courage to message his brother and his fiancé. 


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Taehyung sighed for the nth time that morning, feeling awful about lying to the two most important people in his life, but he had to, for both himself and Bogum

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Taehyung sighed for the nth time that morning, feeling awful about lying to the two most important people in his life, but he had to, for both himself and Bogum.

He then took his Gucci duffle bag, checked his reflection in the mirror, and proceeded directly to his purple Audi R8 Spyder. He got into his car, started the engine, and drove to Nami Island, where he unknowingly married the CEO of Jeon Tech, famous in the world of business, Jeon Jungkook.

After an hour and a half, Taehyung arrived at the hotel he had reserved for two days. He parked his car in the VIP parking area before heading to the lobby to notify them of his arrival.

A man assists him in getting to his VIP room and holds his baggage for him. When Taehyung was left alone in his room, he slumped down on the soft mattress, causing him to bounce somewhat. He stared at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to remember what he did when he came here for a photoshoot three years ago, but, to his dismay, he only remembers getting into a car accident.

"Arrrrgh! This is making me insane!" Taehyung yelled as he wiggled his body in frustration. 
"Maybe once I've arrived at the chapel, I might remember something." He thought to himself. 
He checked the time on his watch, it was already 2 in the afternoon, so he decided to visit the church, hoping that the priest who made him a married man for three years now was still there, alive and kicking.

It took him only 15 minutes to drive to the chapel. He parked his car and turned off the engine before stepping out. He looked around the place and thought it seemed familiar, but he couldn't recall who he was with when he went there.
"Have I really been here before? It looks very familiar." Taehyung wondered to himself.

He was so busy scanning the place that he forgot the real reason why he went there—until a man tapped his shoulder, making Taehyung jump on his place in surprise

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He was so busy scanning the place that he forgot the real reason why he went there—until a man tapped his shoulder, making Taehyung jump on his place in surprise. 
"Oh my god! What the he-?" Taehyung got cut off by the man standing in front of him.
"Do not use the name of the Lord in vain." The man said. 

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Jeon Taehyung." The man added, making Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise.

Amores! 😊
Sorry for not updating yesterday as
i had a high fever. I promise I'll make it up
to you when i feel better.


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