15. We're married

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Jungkook stayed at the Kim mansion as the night deepened. After they finished having their pasta, the maids took their used plates and utensils before serving the cheesecake Jungkook bought.
"Good choice, Mr. Jeon, this is Taehyung's favorite." Namjoon said.
"Then I think Taehyung has a good taste when it comes to cake and pastries, it's my favorite too." Jungkook said as he winked at Taehyung. The other just made a face as if he were saying, 'the fuck are you doing?' to Jungkook through his face expression.

"My girlfriend doesn't like cheese cakes or anything that's too sweet, she said that it'll just make her fat." Jungkook added.
"My Taehyungie here doesn't care if he eats a lot. He's one of those lucky humans who can eat whatever they want without gaining weight." Jin said with a pout on his lips.
"Isn't that unfair? I really love eating too, but I have to exercise to maintain my body." Jungkook said, and Namjoon couldn't agree more.
"By the way, aren't we having an announcement party for our partnership?" Jin asked Jungkook.
"Partnership?" Taehyung asked.
"Yeap. I already mentioned you about this, aren't I? When you went to the office registry." Jin said.

"Oh yeah.. right"

"Wow! Is my life some kind of joke? The man I unintentionally married is getting closer to my life." Taehyung thought to himself as he sighed.
"Hyung, please excuse me for a while. I'll just have to call Bo." Taehyung said before he stood up and bowed his head before leaving the dining room and heading out to their veranda.
The moment he knew that he was alone, he immediately dialed Jimin's number. A few ringings, and his best friend answered.
"Hi Taetae."
"Chim!! What should I do now?" Taehyung asked, worried.

"Why? What happened?"

"Jeon Jungkook is here ri-."
"Jungkook, your husband? What is he doing there??"
"Well, yes, technically, he is. Anyway, I was at Jin Hyung's office earlier, waiting for your cousin, since we planned to have a dinner. But Jungkook came to Jin Hyung's office for whatever reason. Luckily, I was able to escape before we bumped into each other." Taehyung said.
"Okay. And?"
"So I waited for Bogum at the parking lot of the company, but he had to cancel our date since there's an emergency at their office. So I asked Jin Hyung instead if he wanted to have a dinner with me and I'd cook for him, which he agreed to. And to my surprise, he invited Jungkook to have dinner with us." Taehyung said as he sighed.

"Does he remember you?"
"No. But I think the two of us were drunk when we got married. What should I do now, Jiminah? Jeon Tech and Kim Corp will announce their partnership. He's getting closer to me, I need to take action immediately."
"What's the matter if he's getting closer to you? He can't even remember you."
"I know, but I need to take action immediately. I'm getting married, remember? What should I do now?"
"You know what? Maybe it's the right time for you to tell him about your marriage so that he can help you find a way out of that situation. He has a girlfriend, and I know he will do anything to void the marriage. Tell him now or ask him when he's free. Maybe the reason why he's getting closer to you is because he's the only one who can help you with your problem. Remember, you only have a year before your wedding." Jimin stated.

"You're right. One way or another, I had to tell him anyway. I just hope we can fix this mistake as soon as possible," Taehyung responded.
"I'm sure you will. Now go back to your husband and tell him you want a divorce." Jimin stated, causing the two to giggle.
Taehyung just nodded, as if Jimin could see him, before they bid their goodbyes and ended the call. He then gathered all his courage and went back to the dining room. 
When he entered the room, he saw Namjoon carrying his drunk brother out of the dining room, heading straight to their room. 
"Wow! I thought he had a high tolerance for alcohol. I was out for a couple of minutes and this happened." Taehyung said, teasing his now unconscious brother. 

"He keeps on talking, we didn't realize he finished a whole bottle of whiskey." Namjoon answered.
"Ahh! This alcoholic man!" Taehyung said, pinching his sleeping brother's cheek. 
"Could you please accompany Jungkook?" 
"It's okay, Hyung. I think I should head home too." Jungkook said
"I'm sorry. No more alcohol some other time, I guess." Namjoon said as the two laughed in sync. Taehyung, on the other hand, was gathering all his courage to tell Jungkook about their marriage.
"I'll accompany you to the parking; will you please wait for me for a couple of minutes?" Taehyung asked.
"Sure, sure."

Taehyung then ran towards his bedroom and grabbed the brown envelope. He was about to get out of his room, but he saw a can of beer on his trashcan.
"Good idea." Taehyung thought to himself as he opened the mini fridge in his room, grabbed a cold can of beer, and finished it in one go. He immediately felt a bit dizzy, but he needed it. He needed the instant courage the beer provided him because it would help him tell Jungkook about their situation.
Taehyung then carefully went back to the dining room and saw Jungkook seated on the chair, holding his phone, obviously texting someone.
"Are you ready, Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung asked, smiling at him as his whole face was as red as a tomato.
"Lead the way, Mr. Kim." Jungkook said.
The two then walked out of the dining room and passed through the spacious living room. Jungkook was a bit confused when Taehyung entered a door that the CEO didn't recognize.

"I think it's not the main door," Jungkook said, and Taehyung just smirked at him as he continued walking.
"Where are we going, Mr. Kim?" Jungkook asked again.
"Just follow me, husband," Taehyung responded before laughing hilariously.
"What? Are you drunk or something? Are you trying to flirt with me? I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, but I have a girlfriend, and I know you're engaged as well," Jungkook said, keeping his distance.
Jungkook then realized that they were in the garden area of Kim's mansion. It was spacious and a bit far away from the main house.
"Taehyung, what are we doing here?" Jungkook gulped, looking at the younger's back.

"Nothing much. I just want to ask you something," Taehyung said as he turned to face Jungkook. 
The place was a bit dark since it's already 10 in the evening, plus they were surrounded by plants and tall grasses. The only light they had was the path light lamp.
"About what?" 
"You said you were at Nami Island 3 years ago. Can't you remember anything you made that day or night? Something like a mistake or what?" Taehyung asked. 
"I don't. The only thing I remember that day was that I found out that my girlfriend cheated on me, that's why I went for a drink. Then, of course, I got drunk. I don't know what happened next." Jungkook answered.

Taehyung just sighed, feeling hopeless to find out what happened three years ago that ended up with them being married.
"I need your help." Taehyung said. 
"About what? Taehyung, look. You're really hot and definitely my type, but I have a girlfriend and you have a fiancé." 
"We are married, Jeon." 


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wuhooo. We're almost at the rising action. 😉

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