17. Witnesses

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The next day, Jungkook woke up early for his departure to the registry office and Nami Island. Although the marriage certificate Taehyung provided was already clear as crystal snow, Jungkook still wanted to make sure. 
After half an hour, Jungkook headed out of their mansion and went straight to the office registry, thankfully, he was early and the place was not crowded yet. Jungkook then heads directly to the employee after filling out the form. He handed him the paper and waited for the employee to call his name.

A couple of minutes had passed when the employee called his name. He stood up from where he was seated with a tiny bit of hope that Taehyung was just fooling him, however, upon reading the paper, it was stated that he was indeed already married to Kim Taehyung for 3 years.
Unlike Taehyung, Jungkook wasn't really surprised by the news and didn't cause a scene, as Taehyung had already mentioned it to him. But still, a lot of questions are going through his mind.
A sighed left on Jungkook's lips before heading out of the office, holding another brown envelope stating that he's not eligible to get married as he is still legally married to Taehyung. 

He shrugged all of his questions off his mind as he decided to visit the chapel and talk to the officiating priest to gather all the information on how he and Taehyung ended up being a married couple.
He drove 2 hours to Nami Island and was able to talk to the priest; however, he didn't really get the answers to his questions. Instead, Jackson just told him how the marriage has been pushing through. But then one thing is for sure: he and Taehyung were drunk when they agreed to get married. But then, how? How did it start? Because he was certain that he'd be alone when he decided to get drunk that night.

Taehyung, on the other hand, looked for their witnesses on social media. Once he saw their faces, he immediately remembered who they were. 


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"Ohh! I clearly remember them! They were the models who were with me 3 years ago

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"Ohh! I clearly remember them! They were the models who were with me 3 years ago." Taehyung said to himself as he sat up on his bed and lean back against the headboard.
He can finally remember a few things from that year. On how they became friends because of how talkative the two girls were, Taehyung really enjoyed being with them. He also remembered the night they escaped their hotel room to have a little fun at the club near the hotel where they stayed.
Taehyung giggled, remembering those sneaky days he had with the two models. But then again, the same question pops into his head. How? How did it start? 

Taehyung shrugged and decided to message the two girls. He didn't really hope for their response immediately, as he thought that they were busy, but to his luck, the girls replied within minutes right after he messaged them, and thankfully, they can still remember him crystal clear. 
One of the models created a group chat, so they had a little conversation about what's keeping them busy lately. Some random stuff about themselves and a few updates about their careers
After a few more chitchats, Taehyung changed the topic to the time they went on a drink at Nami Island. The two still remember every detail, which makes Taehyung happy that finally someone can tell how he ended up marrying Jungkook.

Taehyung asked them if they were free and if it'd be possible for them to meet up. Taehyung smiled when the two said that they don't have a schedule and are free, in fact, they are also in Seoul. It seems like it's Taehyung's lucky day.
The three decide to meet at the famous restaurant in Seoul around 5 in the afternoon. Once settled, Taehyung decided to message Jungkook before taking a nap since he still had 4 hours before the scheduled meetup.
Back to Jungkook in Nami Island, after talking to Jackson, he immediately went back to the hotel where he checked in to stay until tomorrow. It was past lunch time when he reached the hotel, went directly to his room, and plopped on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"What should i do now?" Jungkook thought to himself.

Sure, he's still shocked, knowing he's already married. It's not that he doesn't like Taehyung, sure, he does. He liked the boy, his body, and his ethereal beauty. For Jungkook, Taehyung's face is just so perfect. He also likes the younger's long legs, his perfectly rounded peaches, and his low tone of voice, which make everyone turn on just hearing him talk and of course, the CEO's favorite, Taehyung's eyes. 
Maybe if he's not in a relationship with Jennie, he might consider trying out things with Taehyung. However, he's not, he is in a relationship with Jennie, and he loves him, even though she's not as perfect as Taehyung, but nonetheless, he still loves and adores her wholeheartedly.

"What the fuck is this mess?" Jungkook thought to himself as he thought of the possible things that might happen when they found out that Taehyung and him were already married.
Sure, it doesn't matter to his parents, as both of them are very supportive when it comes to their gender preferences. Yoongi, for example, once admitted to their parents that he is bisexual, which Mr. and Mrs. Jeon didn't bother even a bit, and instead they said that they would support the three of them whoever they fell in love with, whether it was with a girl or a boy. But his parents are not really the problem here.

It was Jennie, Taehyung's relationship with his fiancé and his partnership with Kim corp. Jungkook groaned in stress just thinking of the possible outcome of the mistake they did three years ago. And that gave him courage to immediately process their divorce.

It was Jennie, Taehyung's relationship with his fiancé, and his partnership with Kim Corp. Jungkook groaned in stress; just thinking of the possible outcome of the mistake they made three years ago already gave him a headache, and that gave him the courage to immediately process their divorce.

Jungkook then slowly moved his hand down his clothed dick before he started massaging it. A few more strokes, and he immediately got a boner. He unzipped his pants, removed them along with his brief, and threw them somewhere as he gathered his cum to coat his hard cock before giving it a slow pump.

He groaned in satisfaction as he pleasure himself, wanting to forget about the stress, even just for a bit. He wanted to release his stress, so he decided to masturbate, imagining his girlfriend. 

"Ahh, fuck Jen!!" Jungkook moaned as he continued to pump his cock when his phone vibrated, indicating he had received a notification. 
He sighed in annoyance but still continued with what he's doing, but Jungkook being Jungkook, who doesn't want any interruption, whether he's having sex or just simply pleasuring himself, for some reason, his mood got easily affected even with a simple vibration from his phone, especially when he receives a notification from his phone because it might be an important matter with his company.
"FUCK!" Jungkook cursed in annoyance because his dick betrayed him once again.

Jungkook then reached for his phone on the side table as he unlocked it to check who bothered him this time. He rolled his eyes but chuckled nonetheless when he saw who interrupted him.
"It's you again."


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