35. Yoonmin

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The next day, Taehyung woke up alone again, and like the other day, all he could remember was the face of the scary nun. He was frightened, so he ran towards the bathroom, but along the way, he shouted when the door opened.

"Ahhhh!! No! Oh my god!!" Taehyung yelled, but he immediately launched his body towards Jungkook's naked chest. He didn't really notice that he wasn't wearing anything, save for the towel wrapped around his waist, which concealed his private parts.

"Shhh. Baby, it's okay. I'm here," Jungkook reassured the crying Taehyung, caressing his back.

Taehyung wailed in Jungkook's arms for a few more minutes before calming down, at which point he realized the other was still half naked.

"Oh my god! Y-you're you.. Y-you're naked!" Taehyung exclaimed as he turned away, causing Jungkook to chuckle.

"Not really," Jungkook answered as he moved toward their walk-in closet to get dressed.

"K-kookie," Taehyung called him from their bedroom.

"Yes, bub?" Jungkook asked as he began to put his clothes on.

"Can you stay here for a moment? I'll just take a bath," Taehyung asked, a little uncomfortable, but who cares? He's still afraid of the nun.

"Of course, love. Anyway, I'm on leave today," Jungkook remarked, prompting Taehyung to blush at the term of endearment his husband has been calling him even when they are alone.

"Leave? You'll stay here for the rest of the day?" Taehyung asked, smiling.

"Yeap. Now go freshen up, then let's have our breakfast."

"Right." Taehyung responded as he skipped to the bathroom.

After having a bath and changing into comfy clothing, the two proceed downstairs for breakfast.

"After this, I'll be at my office what do you want to do after?" Jungkook asked, devouring Mela's bacon and pancakes.

"Let's watch a movie. But can we not watch horror films?"

"Do you really think I will let you watch horror again? After what happened to you?" Jungkook said firmly. Taehyung stared him in the eyes; something about Jungkook's reactions made his heart skip a beat. Something so protective and more, he couldn't understand.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung murmured, hanging his head low. Jungkook only sighed before taking Taehyung's hand, which was lying on top of the table.

"Look, Tae, I'm worried about you. Why didn't you tell me you have phasmophobia?" Jungkook said, his voice so calming that Taehyung relaxed his entire body.

Taehyung didn't say anything, but let Jungkook comfort him. He let Jungkook clutch his hand because he felt comfortable and protected.

The two finished their breakfast, then Taehyung went to the garden with Mela to paint again. After helping Taehyung set up his art materials, Jungkook headed to his house office. He was strolling across the second living room when his phone rang. He rolled his eyes when he saw who was calling him.


"HELLO, fucking Jungkook. Tell me one good reason why you didn't come to work again," Yoongi demanded. Of course, Jungkook wasn't on leave; he simply skipped work to spend the entire day with Taehyung.

"Hyung, just today," Jungkook answered.

"I have a date with my boyfriend, Jungkook, and I can't cancel it just because you're too lazy to go to work," Yoongi responded, irritated at Jungkook for ruining his schedule. Jungkook was ready to respond when Kitty appeared somewhere.

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