19. Hint

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It was 8:30 in the evening when Tzuyu and Yoo Jung bid their goodbyes to Jungkook and Taehyung. They promised not to tell anyone about their situation, and thankfully, they are trustworthy. They also promise each other that it's not the end of their friendship; instead, they will continue what they started three years ago.

Taehyung and Jungkook decided to stay in the cafe so they could talk about how they would handle the situation.

"What are you planning to do now?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung sighed before answering Jungkook.

"I think we should talk to our lawyers now." Taehyung suggested, and Jungkook nodded in agreement.


"Tomorrow." Taehyung responded, hanging his head low, causing Jungkook to scoff.

"Look, I'm sorry if we had to do this right away. As you know, I'm getting married next year, and I don't want to disappoint my fiancé about the mistake I made three years ago." Taehyung stated. He wanted to cry in stress and frustration, but he didn't want to show it to Jungkook.

"Then why don't you just tell him what happened?" Jungkook answered, not even sure what he's talking about as he's also stressed about their situation and wondering if he should tell Jennie or not.

"Are you serious? How am I supposed to tell him? 'Hey babe, so few days ago I found out that I'm already married for three years by now.' I don't even remember how the fuck that happened. Do you think he will believe me? How about you tell your long-term girlfriend about it?" Taehyung burst into a fit of rage. It's as if the man in front of him didn't think before talking.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was not in his right mind when he proposed such a ridiculous idea. He also knew his girlfriend would freak out if she found out he was already married. She will leave him with the excuse of forgetting how it happened, and Jennie will only think of him as a cheat.

Jungkook sighed again, as he didn't know what to do anymore. He knows that they need to solve the problem right away before their partners find out about it, or at least fix the problem before they tell their partners about what happened.

"Let's do it tomorrow then." Jungkook agreed.

"What? Do what??" Taehyung asked, annoyed.

"Let's meet. Bring your trusted lawyer, I'll bring mine." Jungkook answered.

"Where and what time?" Taehyung asked.

"I do-" Jungkook got cut off when Taehyung's phone started ringing. It was a faint ringing, but they were able to hear since they were in the private room of the restaurant.

Taehyung pulled out his phone from his Gucci bag, and his eyes widen when he sees his fiancé's name on the screen. Before Taehyung answered the call, he placed his pointing finger on top of his plum lips, telling Jungkook to keep quiet. The man across from him just rolled his eyes.

"Hi, babe." Taehyung answered, his voice a bit shaky.

"Babe! Finally, you answered my calls." Bogum said a bit louder for Jungkook to hear.

"I'm sorry, babe. I wasn't able to hear my phone ringing. Is everything alright?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm worried about you. You were not replying to my messages. I've been calling you since I finished working." Bogum said, worried about his fiancé.

"Where are you anyway? I'm at your house and you're still not here. Babe, it's almost 10 in the evening. You didn't even tell me you're going out. Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Bogum added, worried, making Taehyung guilty once again.

"I went to a cafe to meet some of the co-models I met before, and I'm going home, babe." Taehyung said.

Jungkook was just starting at Taehyung as he observed him. He noted that the boy in front of him is not good at lying. His emotions can easily be guessed by his facial expression. And at that very moment, Jungkook knew that Taehyung felt guilty.

While Taehyung was still talking to his fiancé, an image of Taehyung smiling beautifully flashed through Jungkook's mind. He was starting at the younger from afar, observing his every action. The way his lips formed a boxy smile while talking to the girls, he didn't know who was behind him as it was blurry, but the way Taehyung smirked and pouted his plum lips was clear to the CEO's vision.

"What was that? Am I imagining things, or is it a hint of what happened three years ago?" Jungkook thought to himself.

He thought that he was just imagining things, as he was so eager to remember what happened three years ago. He was interrupted when he heard Taehyung calling his name.

"Hey Jungkook? Are you even listening?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked at the brunette as if his spirit just went back to his body.

"What? Are you saying something?" Jungkook asked, still thinking of the sudden vision his mind showed.

"I said I have to go. My fiancé's waiting for me. I'll just message you where we are going to meet tomorrow and what time. Make sure to bring your lawyer so we could fix the misunderstanding or whatever as soon as possible," Taehyung said as he prepared for his departure. Jungkook, on the other hand, was just looking at him.

"Also, your girlfriend is calling you," Taehyung said before he waved his hand and ran out of the place.

Jungkook's eyes widen upon seeing his girlfriend's name on the screen of his cell phone that was placed on top of the table.

"Shit shit shit!" Jungkook cursed before he answered the phone and immediately received a yelling from his furious girlfriend.

"Shit shit shit!" Jungkook cursed before he answered the phone and immediately received a yelling from his furious girlfriend

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