9. Jackson

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"It's nice seeing you again, Mr. Jeon Taehyung." 
"I'm sorry, do I know you? And why did you call me Jeon Taehyung?" He asked with visible confusion on his face. 
"Aren't you Mr. Jeon Jungkook's husband?" Taehyung's eyes widen. 
"Is he? Is he the priest?" Taehyung thought to himself. 
"Oh! Are you perhaps Father Wang?" Taehyung asked, and the latter just chuckled.

"Guess it's me. What can I do for you, Mr. Jeon?" The priest asked, smiling beautifully at Taehyung. 

"Can we talk somewhere private?" Taehyung asked, and the man nodded. 

"Follow me, Mr. Jeon." 

"Just call me Taehyung, please." 

The two walk to the hallway of the chapel, where they enter a white door to Jackson's office. The priest gestured towards the comfortable couch, asking Taehyung to take a seat. 
"You want anything to drink, Mr. Jeon?" Jackson asked. 
"Just water, please. And it's Taehyung." Taehyung said before he sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung it is then." Jackson responded, taking a bottle of water from the little fridge in the corner of his office before sitting on the couch across from Taehyung.
"So, how are you and Mr. Jeon? It's been three years." Jackson asked.
Taehyung didn't know what to say. He remained silent for a couple of minutes until Jackson started talking again. 
"Are you and Mr. Jeon not okay?" Jackson asked. Taehyung sighed as he gathered all his courage to ask about their marriage.

"I'm sorry, father, but how come you know me and Mr. Jeon?" Jackson tilted his head in disbelief but nevertheless answered Taehyung's questions.

"Mr. Jeon has been donating to our chapel for 5 years now, and he frequently visits here until you two get married." Jackson stated, prompting Taehyung to choke on his own.
"Are you okay, Taehyung? Here," Jackson remarked, gently pushing the cool bottled water to Taehyung, who quickly took it.

"Can I tell you something and also ask you a few questions?" Taehyung said.
"Of course."
Taehyung sighed again before confessing.
"To be honest, I didn't know that I'm already married. I haven't even met Mr. Jeon," Taehyung stated. Jackson is at a loss for words, the younger's words have confused him.

"I have had a boyfriend for 3 years now, and we got engaged weeks ago. I started preparing for the documents needed just yesterday, and to my surprise, I'm already married."
"Of course you are. You came here with Mr. Jeon three years ago." Jackson responded.
"I really can't remember visiting this church. I had an accident three years ago, but I didn't lose my memories. Can you tell me more about the day I got married? Because I really can't remember." Taehyung asked, trying his best to calm down.

"Well, that night you came here with Mr. Jeon, you and another two girls. I forgot their names. Well, you two were a bit tipsy. Mr. Jeon said you wanted to get married, and who am I to say no? I mean, I saw how you love each other. Both of your eyes sparkle every time you look at each other." 
Taehyung got even more confused by what he was hearing from the priest.
"That's impossible!" Taehyung thought to himself. 
"But how? Don't we need documents to get married?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yes. That's what actually amazed me—you two were pretty prepared for a sudden wedding," Jackson stated. 
"What do you mean?" 

"You two have a copy of your birth certificate and passport on your phones. And about the certificate of no impediment to marriage, I just called someone I know working at the registry office, and he confirmed that the both of you are single. Mr. Jeon also asked me if I could be the one to take care of the papers, which I did after you two got married. It's just a simple thank you for picking our chapel for his donations." Jackson stated. 

"Oh my go-"

"Mr. Jeon, do not use the na-"

"Oh my golf, golf father" Taehyung said.

Taehyung remained silent for a few minutes while he processed the news. He was indeed married... He is married to Mr. Jeon, whose face he doesn't even remember.
"Oh, I remember you mentioned that we have two girls with us. Is there a way we can check their names?" Taehyung asked.
"You said they are your best friends. Are you sure you didn't lose your memories when you had an accident?"

"I only have one best friend, and for ducks sake, he's freaking gay and a power bottom to be exact." Taehyung thought to himself. 
"Yeah. Maybe I lost some of my memories. But is there a way for me to know their names?" Taehyung asked. 
"Of course. I still have their names here, the girls stand as your witnesses." Jackson said as he stood up, walked to his table to pick up his laptop, and went back to where he was sitting.

Jackson searched for a file, and after a couple of minutes, he turned the laptop to Taehyung so that he could see the information he wanted to see.
"Kim Yoo Jung and Chou Tzu Yu." Taehyung read as he tried to remember their faces. Sure, he had heard their names before, but it wasn't clear to him where he had heard their names.
"Maybe I can look at their Instagram account once I get back to the hotel."

After a few more minutes of conversing about that day, Taehyung said thank you to the priest before leaving the chapel. He walked straight to where he had parked his car, and once he was inside his car, he immediately started the engine. He leaned forward against the steering wheel as tears streamed down his face—tears he's been trying to hold back while talking to the priest who officiated the wedding he can't even remember.
"How did I end up in this situation?! How did I even marry a stranger?!" 

He continued to sob inside his car. Tears after tears continue to fall as his disappointment in himself grows even more. He doesn't know what to do anymore, he has no idea where to begin cleaning up the mess he unintentionally created, he can't even remember how it began.

He cannot get married to someone he does not love. He does not want Bogum to abandon him for what he has done because he strongly believes that Bogum is his fate. The one meant for him, the one who completed the missing piece in his life's puzzle.

"I fucked up!"

"I fucked up!"

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