43. Coincidence

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Taehyung woke up the next day and snuggled up with his brother on the spacious sofa bed inside the theater room. He smiled because it had been a long time since they had cuddled. Taehyung cautiously removed Jin's arm from around him before picking up his phone to see that Jungkook had messaged him the night before he had fallen asleep. After responding, he stepped out of the theater room and spotted Namjoon in the dining room, who's already having his breakfast.

"Morning, hyung," Taehyung greeted, pecking Namjoon's cheek before sitting next to him for breakfast.

"Good morning, Tae. How's your sleep? Did you have fun with your brother last night?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"Yes, Hyung. It's been a while since we had our brother night," Taehyung stated, giggling.

"Oh! Sorry," Namjoon replied, feeling as if he had stolen Jin's time with Taehyung.

"For what, Hyung?" Taehyung questioned as he bit into his sandwich.

"Stealing your brother's time?" Namjoon said, sounding unsure.

"Oh my gosh, Hyung! I did not mean it that way. It's just that we both became busy. I'm busy with my career as a model, and he became busy managing the company. I guess that's how adulting works," Taehyung said, assuring Namjoon.

After a few minutes, Jin joined the two for breakfast. After eating, they walked to the living room, where Namjoon gave Jin and Taehyung a few gifts he had purchased from Japan. They sat in the living room for nearly two hours, talking about unrelated topics while drinking the tea Namjoon bought.

Taehyung excused himself at 1 p.m. and returned to his room to sleep. However, when he entered his room, his phone began to ring. Taehyung smiled at the caller ID and shut his room door as he lay down on his bed to answer the phone.

"Yes, Kookie, hyung?" Taehyung answered, beaming.

"Just checking up on my husband," Jungkook responded from the other line, making Taehyung giggle.

"I'm doing great. I'll be bringing home some stuff from Japan tonight. I have tons of chocolates," Taehyung replied excitedly.

"Who came from Japan?" Jungkook asked.

"Namjoon hyung. How are you?" Taehyung asked as he changed his laying position to face the window, hugging one pillow.

"I miss my husband," Jungkook answered, making Taehyung blush.

"I do too," Taehyung replied, biting his lower lip.

"You do?"

"Of course I do."

The two continue to speak as Taehyung giggles, which can sure be heard outside his room.

"He's blooming, don't you think?" Namjoon inquired as he and Jin halted in front of Taehyung's room, hearing the youngster giggle.

"He is," Jin said, wrapping his arm across his husband's lower back.

"He's happy. Thank God, Bogum is taking care of him."

"I don't think it's Bo," Jin said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, someone's got to tell me something," Namjoon said, tickling Jin's side. Jin smirked and retracted his arm.

"Make me," Jin responded with a grin as he went into their room.

"I can do that, babe!" Namjoon answered, hurrying to their room to catch up with his husband.


Taehyung woke up from his nap at 6 p.m. He immediately grabbed his phone to check the time.

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