13. Dinner

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"I'm sorry, Hyung. Maybe next time. Bogum and I will meet for dinner, he has already texted me. I'll just meet him some other time, Hyung. I've got to go." Taehyung said as he pecked his brother's cheek before storming out of the office, leaving Jin stunned.
Taehyung, on the other hand, hurriedly exited and headed for the exclusive elevator. He was about to hit the button when the elevator door opened, so he dashed to the next elevator door, which was designated for public use.

Taehyung didn't look in the other direction, but he knew that the person who used the exclusive elevator was Jungkook. Yes, he's certain that it was Jungkook since he overheard the man on the phone with his longterm girlfriend, and the two seemed to be fighting when Jungkook nearly yelled his girlfriend's name. 
When Taehyung was sure that Jungkook had finally entered his brother's office, he dashed back to the exclusive elevator and punched the button before the door opened. He immediately entered the lift and found his way out.

He decided to stay inside his car in the parking lot, waiting for Bogum to message him about their planned dinner. He sighed as he recalled how he and Jungkook had nearly met. It isn't a big deal for everyone, but Taehyung finds it to be. They're married, and Jungkook seemed to have no idea about it yet. At the same time, he mistakenly liked Jungkook's Instagram post, which the young CEO had posted a few weeks prior, not to mention how hot the said photo was.

He sighed once again in embarrassment as he thought of him liking Jungkook's selfie. He thinks that Jungkook would think of him as a stalker or a flirt for liking a seductive photo.
Taehyung was deep in his thoughts when his phone started ringing.
"Hi, babe. Are you done?" Taehyung asked upon answering Bogum's call.

"I'm so sorry babe. I think i have to cancel our dinner. Something came up. One of our employee caught red handed, he's been spying our company and telling our plans to Lee enterprise." Bogum said

"Oh my god, I'm sorry to hear about that, babe. Don't worry about our date, I understand. I'll just go home. You need to settle that first, we can just schedule another date. Anyway, we have forever to spend." Taehyung said with a smile on his face.
"Of course soon to be Mr. Park Taehyung. Thank you for understanding, babe." 
"Anytime, Bo. Don't forget to eat dinner, okay? Don't stress yourself too much. Everything will be okay." 

"Thank you, Tae. I don't know what I would do without you." Bogum responded, feeling a bit relaxed, thanks to his very own chill pill. 
"Oh my god, babe, why so cheesy all of a sudden?" Taehyung said, giggling. 
"Cheesy? I'm not, it's all true." Bogum answered, giggling as well.
"But seriously, babe, thank you. Thank you for being there to calm me every time." 
"Of course, babe. You don't have to thank me, it's my duty as your fiancé."  
"I love you, babe, so much."

"I love you too."

"I have to go now babe. Drive safe babe, update me when you're home"

"I have to go now, babe. Drive safe and update me once you're home." 

"I will." Taehyung responded before cutting the line.

Taehyung sighed before he messaged his brother. He then heads out of the building and drives straight to their mansion with a smile on his face. He misses having dinner and conversation with his brother, especially cooking for him, as he's a great cook, which he and Jin got from their late mother.

 He misses having dinner and conversation with his brother, especially cooking for him, as he's a great cook, which he and Jin got from their late mother

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When he arrived at their estate, he parked his car and went straight to his room to have a bath and change into comfy clothing. Taehyung chose to wear black micro shorts and an oversize bear hoodie, which cover the shorts he's wearing and reveal his long, delicately tanned legs.

After changing, he immediately went to the kitchen to prepare all the ingredients he needed, then started cooking for their dinner. He also made potato mojos and garlic bread, perfect for the seafood pesto Jin requested. An hour had passed when he'd finished cooking, right in time when Jin arrived.
"Hmm. That smells great!" Jin said as he pecked his brother's cheek.
"Aren't you going to change your clothes first?" Taehyung asked as he prepared the table for their dinner.
"Naah. We have a guest, dear." 

"Who?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head to the side. 
"Jin Hyung, where should I put this cake?" A man asked, entering the dining room, holding a box of cheese cake while looking at it. Taehyung's eyes widen in shock. He knew who's voice was that, he had heard that voice going out of their company earlier. 
"Jungkook, meet my brother, Taehyung."


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