25. Deep talk

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Jungkook decided to sit on his brother's spacious couch as he drank beer, waiting for his brother to come downstairs, but it seems like luck was not on his side because after 15 minutes of silence, another moan, skin slapping, and groaning once again filled Yoongi's house. 
"What the fuck! They had another round!" Jungkook murmured as he took his phone and his earpods. 
He put on the earphones, set the volume to maximum, and started listening to random songs on Spotify. He continued to drink the beer he grabbed from his brother's refrigerator, waiting for Yoongi to come downstairs. 

"Why did I even stay here when I could just leave? It's not like I don't have a place to go." Jungkook said again.
If Jungkook was being honest, he would probably acknowledge to himself that the reason he stayed was to meet the guy Yoongi was fucking and the reason why his brother chose to cheat on his girlfriend.

Jungkook does not tolerate this type of behavior since he knows how painful it is to discover that someone you love is cheating on you. He knew because Jennie had cheated on him three years ago.
After a few minutes, Yoongi went downstairs with sweatpants and a plain black shirt. To Jungkook's astonishment, his brother does not appear to be surprised that he was there and most likely heard the filthy groans they were making, instead, he appeared exhausted. Who wouldn't, anyway?

Jungkook immediately removed his earpods and turned off the music on his phone.
"Are you guys done fucking? You don't even look shocked that I'm here." Jungkook said as he crossed his legs.
"If you.... are too good to be true. And would it be alright if I pulled you closer?" Yoongi sang sarcastically.
"Who wouldn't know you're here if you're fucking singing your heart out?" Yoongi added.

"Oh! Sorry. I can't help it. The song was really beautiful, and I totally forgot I put my volume at maximum. I didn't notice I was singing loud already, I thought I was just humming." Jungkook answered, smirking as Yoongi sat across from him, opening a can of beer before chugging the alcohol half can.
"Why the hell are you here anyway? And how did you get in?" asked Yoongi.

"I wanted to have a drink with you. I'm a bit exhausted from everything." Jungkook answered.
"And oh, your door's password was so easy, and you haven't changed it yet, so yeah." Jungkook added, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.
"What's stressing you? Spill." Yoongi said, finishing the can of beer he just opened a couple of minutes ago before grabbing another can.
"Nothing. Just... things." Jungkook said, sighing, remembering his and Taehyung's situation.
"Let's not talk about me. Let's talk about you." Jungkook added.

"What about me? There's nothing to talk about, Guk." Yoongi said, trying to avoid the topic of him having an affair.
"Hyung, if you're not happy with Suran, you should tell her instead of doing this to her. She doesn't deserve this." Jungkook stated, making Yoongi sighed and drink his beer in one go.
"Since when, Hyung?" Jungkook asked.
"Since when?" Yoongi repeated, making Jungkook scoff.

"Since when are the two of you doing this to Suran? I wouldn't ask about you being together since Suran is still your partner." Jungkook asked.
"We're not together, Guk. But if I'm being honest, I would love for him to be mine. I met him at the charity party we attended a few weeks ago." Yoongi answered. 
"And you two are already fucking?" Jungkook asked.
"Damn Guk. This is the first time we did this, you're just unlucky to witness that." 
"It doesn't matter. It's still cheating, Hyung." Jungkook stated, disappointed.

"I know, Guk. Do you think I didn't try to talk to Suran? I tried, but she doesn't want it. She always changes the topic when I'm talking about our relationship." Yoongi said.
"Are you going to break up with her? Hyung, you guys have been together for a few years now, and you will choose the guy you just met a few weeks ago? Are you being serious now? You're being selfish, Hyung." Jungkook stated in disbelief.

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