40. Kidnapped

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"You have something to tell me? Go ahead, Jeon Fucking Kook. Tell me your password."

"Can you just take a seat for fuck's sake? And even if I gave you my password, it would be useless. You just broke my phone, Jen," Jungkook stated calmly.

Jennie then walked towards Jungkook to slap him, but luckily, Jungkook was used to this scenario, so he was able to hold Jennie's hand right before it landed on his face.

"Not again, Jen!" Jungkook said, full of dominance, but Jennie seemed unbothered.

"What? You're going to break up with me? As if you can. You love me that much that even though I cheated on you once, you still accepted me," Jennie said, smirking as she retracted her hand from Jungkook's grip.

"I accepted you because I thought you'd change," Jungkook responded. Jennie sat on the couch across from him with a smug face.

"Or you could just say, 'I accepted you because I fucking love you. I can't fucking live without you'. Come on, Jeon, it's not that hard to say. Give me your damn password, including all your social media accounts, and then I'll forgive you," Jennie stated.

"Jen, will you stop? You know what? I'm so fucking done. We're over, Jen. Now get the hell out of my company," Jungkook said before he stood up. This wasn't how he wanted to end things between him and Jen, but he was so done. He was about to walk back to his swivel chair, but Jennie held his wrist and slapped him hard in the face.

"No, we're not over. You are fucking mine, Jeon!" Jennie said before she collided her lips with Jungkook.

"What the fuck! Enough, Jen! We're fucking over. I won't tell you again, so fucking leave my office." Jungkook gently pushed Jennie away from him, wiping his lips before he walked back to his table since his secretary was saying something via intercom.

"I'm sorry. What was that again?" Jungkook asked.

"Mr. Jeon, Mr. Kim is here outside. He said he brought some papers," Irene, Jungkook's secretary, replied.

"Kim who? Oh, as in Kim Seokjin?" Jungkook asked as he heard a giggle from someone he's familiar with.

"Yes., Kim Seokjin," Jin snwered via intercom.

"Hyung! Sorry. Please come in," Jungkook stated before turning off the intercom.

"Get the hell out, Jen," Jungkook demanded.

"We're not over yet, bastard," 

"We are Jen. We are over," Jungkook assured.

The door in Jungkook's office opened, revealing Jin. He was staring at the two, who obviously had a fight.

"Oh, did I come at the wrong time?" Jin asked, holding a piece of brown paper.

"No hyu-"

"Yes, bitch!" Jennie responded. Jungkook was about to say something, but Jin spoke first.

"Damn girl. Who hurt you?" Jin asked, making Jungkook chuckle.

"Fuck you!"

"No. Thank you. I'm gay, and I'm happily married," Jin answered as he passed through Jennie, approaching Jungkook. Jennie, on the other hand, slammed the door as she walked out of the office.

"I'm sorry about that, Hyung. Have a seat," Jungkook said as he walked back toward the single couch with Jin trailing from behind.

"Do we have a schedule today that I forgot?" Jungkook asked when both were comfortably seated.

"Oh no. I came here to give these papers. I need your signature in the document, but you can review it first," Jin stated before he handed the envelope towards Jungkook, whom the other gladly took.

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