7. Best friend

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"Oh my god! Stop calling me Mr. Jeon. I'm not married yet, and for whoever's sake, I don't know who's that Jung—wait, did you say Jeon Jungkook?!!" Taehyung said, shocked because, as far as he can remember, he never once met him, not even a "hi" or "hello," so how come he's married to someone he has never met?

"Yes, Mr. Jeon," the supervisor responded.
"Oh my god!! Will you stop calling me Mr. Jeon? As I've mentioned, I don't know who that guy is. Can't we do anything about that?" Taehyung asked.
"You can file a divorce, Mr. Je-" 
"Mr. Kim. It's Mr. Kim, thank you very much. And divorce seriously? It'll take a year or so for that, and I'm getting married next year! Do you think someone stole our identity?" Taehyung questioned.

"Possible, Mr. Kim. I suggest you visit the officiating priest, you can ask him. I mean, if he can still remember." Joshua responded.
"This is driving me crazy. Can you just please hand me a copy of that information? I'll see what I can do." 
"You mean your marriage certificate?" Joshua asked.
"Ugh!! Just hand me a copy!" Taehyung almost yelled in frustration.

A couple of minutes had passed, and Joshua handed Taehyung the marriage certificate, and what shocked him more was... 
"What the hell!! It's my signature! Oh my god! This is freaking the shit out of me!" 
"Anything else I can help you with, Mr. Kim?" Joshua asked.
"No, that's it. Thank you." Taehyung said, sighing.

"Alright. Congratulations, Mr. Jeon." Joshua said. Taehyung just rolled his eyes before turning his back to the supervisor and heading directly to his car.

When Taehyung sat in the back seat of the car, he quickly pressed the button for the soundproof privacy glass and began sobbing. He doesn't know what to feel, he's afraid. What if Bogum thought he cheated on him and called off their wedding? He is angry because he cannot recall agreeing to that wedding, he is confused as to why he was married to someone he does not know, he is lost because he does not know how to void their marriage, and he does not know who he would seek out for assistance. He felt mixed feelings, but he was determined to clear his record so he could marry his childhood friend and fiancé, Park Bogum.

Taehyung's driver didn't know where to go, so he kept on driving, roaming around the beautiful city of Seoul, until Taehyung rolled the privacy glass down and told him to drive to Jimin's mansion.
"I didn't cheat. I know he will help me with the situation I'm in right now. He will understand me and never judge me." Taehyung thought to himself.

It was 6 in the evening when Taehyung arrived at Jimin's mansion. He entered the mansion and was welcomed by Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young, Jimin's parents.
"Hey darling, what happened to you?" Bo Young asked as she pulled Taehyung into a warm motherly embrace. 

Taehyung tried his best not to cry over the comforting hug Mrs. Park was providing him. It was too warm not to break down from the stressful day he had. But then again, he doesn't know what to say if she asks him a lot of questions, so he tries to keep all the emotions he's so eager to let out. 
"I'm fine, auntie. I just had a stressful day," Taehyung answered as he pulled away from the hug and gave her a forceful smile.

"Did you and Bogum have a misunderstanding?" Bo Young asked.
Taehyung's heart aches at the thought of him and Bogum having a misunderstanding and the worst fights that may lead to a breakup. He loves Bogum; he loves him so much that he can't even imagine his life without him. 
"N-no. We're perfectly fine. I was just tired since I already started preparing for our wedding," Taehyung said, and Bo Young just nodded. 

"Son, Jimin is in his room, he's waiting for you upstairs. Just go there and let it out." Hyung Sik said as he pulled his wife by his side. 
"Thank you." Taehyung responded, and he immediately rushed towards Jimin's room. 
Taehyung knocked before entering the room and saw Jimin on his bed talking to someone on the phone.

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