47. Cheater

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Jin stood motionless in front of Bogum's office. He was furious to hear the two continue to do nasty things in the office. Despite knowing that Taehyung may have cheated on Bogum, Jin still doesn't know the full story. He went there not to talk about Bogum's relationship with his brother but to talk about how he physically assaulted his brother and how Bogum mistreated him, his husband, and his brother in their own home. However, Jin believes they would have other issues to discuss.

After a few minutes, Bogum's office door eventually opened, showing the female he is so familiar with. Jin did not say anything but only smiled at the girl.

"Mr. K-kim," Yoona exclaimed, her eyes wide open in surprise and dread.

"Hello there, Secretary Im," Jin remarked as he approached gently towards the girl, who took a step back.

"Mind if you join me and your boss for a talk?" Jin said, causing the girl to nod not because she wanted to but because she was afraid and intimidated by Jin's aura.

"Jin Hyung, what are you doing here?" Bogum inquired, surprised by the older man's presence.

Jin walked inside, locked the door behind him, and sat on the couch. Jin motioned for Yoona to join him, and the girl took a seat across from Jin right away.

"I came here to talk about what happened last night, but I guess that won't be the case anymore," Jin calmly stated, making Yoona swallow in fear.

"Mr. Kim, look, it's no-"

"Oh, come on. I didn't say anything yet, and you're already defending yourself," Jin remarked to the girl, smiling.

"Jin hyung! Spare her from our own problems!" Bogum shouted, sitting on the solo couch facing the two.

"Oh no, no. She's already joined the party, Bo."

"So, Secretary Im, aren't you and my brother friends?" Jin asked, and the girl nodded.

"Could you tell me how long this 'I'm fucking with my boss' thing has been going on?" Jin asked Yoona, and Bogum grunted in anger.

"Hyung, just fucking stop."

"Could you just answer my question, Yoona?" Jin asked, ignoring Bogum.

"Before the engagement," Yoona said quietly, her head drooping low.

Jin was shocked, but he didn't show it. He was already angry, but he tried to remain calm.

"Wow! And you have the guts to propose."

"Mr. Kim, I'm sorry for what happened. We're not in a relationship or anything; we just do the thing," Yoona responded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's still called cheating, dumbass," Jin spitted.

"Do you do this often?" Jin asked the girl again.

"Seokjin, you fucking stop! Taehyung and I will talk about our relationship."

"Shut up, Bogum; I'm not talking to you," Jin angrily told Bogum.

"How dare you disrespect me in my own office?"

"The same audacity you had last night, asshole!" Jin responded. Yoona, on the other hand, was terrified because he'd never seen Jin this angry. Every time they interacted, the CEO was polite and greeted everyone with a big smile. She never imagined that an angry Kim Seokjin would be terrifying and intimidating.

"Back to you, Yoona, since you're the one who's answering my questions. So, do you do the thing often?" Jin questioned a second time. Yoona wasn't sure why, but she felt compelled to answer Jin's question honestly. She doesn't understand it, but it appears that Jin's angry side can force anyone to submit to him, including Bogum, who was attempting to gain an advantage over the older guy but was unable to do so.

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